Chapter 31

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--Geovanni Parris--

"Who the fuck is this?" Julliet yelled as soon as I walked through the door as she waved my phone in my face.

I snatched my phone from her and looked down at the open chat.

I snatched my phone from her and looked down at the open chat

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"You read my messages?" I growled at her.

"You're fucking cheating on me, Geo!" She screamed, causing me scoff.

"I'm not, but since you don't trust a nigga you might as well pack your shit and dip. We're done." I demanded.

That was about a year ago and Julliet and I have been leading separate lives ever since.

"Hey." I greeted Julliet, who was holding our now six months old daughter.

" I greeted Julliet, who was holding our now six months old daughter

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"It's about time." She grumbled.

"What?" I questioned as she held out a fussy Guilia toward me. "Hey Daddy's baybeh." I cooed at Guilia as I took her from her mother, causing her to instantly giggle.

"I have an assignment due next week. You should've been here an hour ago." Julliet fussed.

"I had shit to do." I retorted, while I mugged her.

"Like what, fucking whores?" She spat.

"Even if I was fucking whores is it really any concern of yours?" I snapped back as I kissed Guilia's chubby cheeks.

"Don't kiss my baby. I don't know where your lips have been."

"The only pussy I ever ate was yours and I regret that shit, so you don't gotta worry about none of that." I snapped back at her aggy ass.

"You ate it like your last meal, so I really can't tell." She fired back.

"And you still had another nigga cutting slices out of my cake."

"Get over it." She rolled her eyes.

"I am over it. I hope he makes your ass happy." I assured her.

"You sound like you want to be the one to make me happy." She smirked.

"Nah baybeh, that's your own wishful thinking. I'm not gon' trip, I still love you, but I could love you from a distance, but your bitter ass steady trying to substitute what I gave to you with that ain't shit ass nigga and you know it." I kissed her forehead, before grabbing Guilia's bag from the couch and leaving.

The elevator's doors opened and that Alexis nigga stepped out.

So this is the assignment she has to do. I thought to myself.

"Wassup?" I greeted him.

"Sup?" He returned with a smirk. Ignoring him, I got on to the elevator and pressed the button for the ground floor.

She's fucking the same nigga she cheated on me with, who cheated on her while they were together in the condo I paid my money to furnish and decorate for her. This all started about three months ago.

I can't lie and say that I don't care, because I do. It had me upset for a little bit. I mean, she had just pushed my baby out of her. When I watched her give birth, I fell more in love with her even though we weren't together. I guess she didn't feel the same way. Life, I guess.

"I guess it's just you and me for the weekend huh, baby girl?" I said to Guilia as I strapped her into her car seat, while she just stared up at me, blowing spit bubbles. I kissed her cheeks before closing the door and getting into the car.

--Julliet Morrison--

"I told you to wait for my call." I scolded as soon as Alexis walked through the door.

"You're still worried about that nigga I see." He teased as he placed his bag down on the ottoman which was positioned in front of the sofa on which I currently sat.

"I told you to wait for my call." I repeated more assertively as I ignored his previous comment.

"I heard your ass." He rolled his eyes at me as he plopped himself down on to the sofa beside me, which caused me to instinctive scoot away from him a bit more. Without warning, he grabbed me by my arm. "You're not with that nigga any more. Why're you so worried 'bout him?"

"I'm not worried." I scoffed. "Besides, it's not any of your business." I glared at him.

"Sounds like you are to me." He retorted as he applied slight pressure to  my arm to the point where it began to cause me some pain. I snatched my arm away from him as I continued to glare at him.

"Stop." I pushed him away from me a bit. "You act like I still belong to you." I snarled at him.

"That's because to me, you still do." He replied as he tried to lean in for a kiss, causing me to turn my head away from him.

"Eww. Stop it, Alexis." I demanded. "You know the only reason why you're here right now is because I've been assigned as your peer tutor for some mysterious reason." I rolled my eyes at him as I grabbed my Microeconomics textbook from the ottoman in front of us.

"I have my ways." He shrugged in a very arrogant manner, which caused me to scoff. "Besides, don't act like you don't secretly want us to get back together." He smirked.

"Actually, I don't and I will appreciate it if you don't continue to waste my time seeing that you don't really need extra help with Economics." I scoffed as I became a bit more agitated by him.

"I need the help." He smirked as he picked up his backpack from the ottoman and unzipped it, removing a textbook, notebook and a pen from it. "It'll help me to get you back and to score a B+ on our next paper at least."

"Keep dreaming." I scoffed.

"No, you keep fronting."

"That's because it's not a front." I defended.

"Do you think that Geovanni nigga really likes you like that?" He questioned. "All you're ever going to be is a whiny ass baby mama to him."

"It's a thousand percent better than being a girlfriend to you." I scoffed. "Now, it's either we do Economics or you leave my apartment." I demanded.

"Fine." He shrugged. "Economics it is."


This chapter was restructured for all those who remember how it ended the last time.



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