Chapter 6

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--Skylar Holmes--

Alexis and I were currently at his place, just chilling. We had been involved for quite some time now.

I'm not sure if Julliet knows what's been going on between us, because we've managed to keep it discreet and act as though we hate each other every time she's around.

Alex also always suggests picking me up and taking me to his place after I have girls' time with Jules.

Speaking of Jules, we've been awfully distant lately. She barely calls, texts or suggests that we chill anymore. The only time I see or talk to her is at school and even then she seems detached.

"What are you over there thinking bout?" Alexis asked as he rubbed the inside of my thigh and diverted his gaze from the television toward me.

"Nothing." I smiled sweetly at him.

"You're sure?" Giving him eye contact, I nodded confidently.

"Positive." I confirmed. He grabbed my hand, brought it up to his lips and kissed it, which sent butterflies fluttering around in my stomach.

Alexis continued to absentmindedly rub my thighs as he returned his attention to the t.v. After a while, I couldn't help but to notice his hand inching closer and closer to my crotch area.

Sex isn't anything new between us. Of course, we had gone at it a few times actually and it was amazing. If only he enjoyed kissing just as much, it'd be perfect.

Nope; Alexis has never kissed me. It kinda sucks since I usually can't help but to wonder what his full, pink lips might taste like.

Alexis' hand slipped into my panties and snapped me out of my trance as a gasp escaped my lips.

That's another thing I failed to mention; I always had to be completely submissive to Alexis, which included wearing a dress or a skirt whenever we hung out.

His fingers continuously stroked my pearl over and over again.

"Alex..." I breathed out on a moan as my eyes fluttered shut.

"Who?" He queried, letting me know that I had said the wrong thing.

"Daddy..." I corrected myself as I tried containing a moan. He slipped a finger into me, causing me to hiss out in pleasure.

"You're so wet, darling." Darling was the name he'd given to me. Everytime he used it, he was demanding submission. "Cum for Daddy." He whispered huskily into my ear. His warm breath against my skin sent chills up my spine as goosebumps littered my skin.

A pulsing between my legs made me aware that my body had done it's familiar task of obeying him as my legs convulsed. I cried out on my orgasm.

"Good girl." He moaned as he trailed his tongue across the tender flesh of my neck. "You gon' make Daddy feel good?" He huskily whispered into my ear, I bit my lip as I nodded in agreement. "Use yo' words, darling." He demanded.

"Yes Daddy." I already knew what he meant, so I wasted no time sitting on my knees in the couch as I unfastened his belt, then the button on his jeans. I then, pulled the zipper on them down as I allowed him to slip them off. I watched his manhood strain against the fabric of his underpants, begging to be freed.

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