Chapter 97

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--Geovanni Parris--

"Go put your clothes on." Julliet instructed Krystopher as she clothed Genovia.

She was juggling me and our three kids, but made it look so easy.

"Daddy, could you help me with this homework?" Guilia asked, walking into the bedroom.

Guilia is now six, Krystopher is four and Genovia is two.

"Sure baby, let me see. Hop on the bed." I instructed, watching her climb on to the bed and beside me. I read the instructions written boldly in her book in her script and chuckled at how huge her letters were. Her handwriting definitely was a trait she got from me. Julliet's letters were always small, neat and cursive.

"I thought you could help me, because you've known her the longest." She reasoned.

"So you can't write your own description of your momma?" I jokingly asked.

"I could, but you know more about her." She reasoned again.

I felt awkward being about to help her do this with me and her mother's situation and the fact that she was in The same room right now. I licked my lips, swallowed the lump in my throat and sighed.

"Well your momma is a short woman with a caramel complexion and beautiful almond-shaped brown eyes thatsquint when she's angry, sparkle when she's happy or become gloomy when she's sad. She has a big, beautiful smile which brightens anybody's mood and a laugh as infectious as the common cold.

She always smells like a fruit garden with the overwhelming stench of ripened, fallen delicious fruits which make your mouth water and you don't know whether you love it or loathe it, but it overwhelms you with a warm and frighteningly calming feeling.

Your mother is smart. Not just ordinary smart, but smart enough to run for presidency smart. She's supportive, genuine, strong, but most of all she's everything you should probably grow up to be."

"Grandpa said that you love my Mommy a whole lot." She spoke and I avoided looking Julliet's way. "So why did you leave?" She questioned, causing my jaws to clench.

"I did leave, baby. I'm right here." I reasoned.

"I mean, before you accident, Dad."

"Because she asked me to." I replied honestly. "And I'd do anything that seems to make her happy."

"Daddy, are you going to cry?" She asked.

"No baby, Daddy's just getting allergies again."

"Oh, I'd get you some Benadryl." She offered, making me chuckle.


"Because I asked you to leave?" Julliet yelled at me.

It was now eleven I'm clock at night and we were not arguing over me and Guilia's conversation from earlier. Well, she was arguing, I was listening.

"You're so fucking stupid." She spat. "That's all you could say to her?" She questioned rhetorically. "That I asked you to?" She continued. "Why didn't you tell her that you were out cheating on me, huh?"

"Julliet, could you calm down?" I asked in a neutral tone.

"Don't tell me to fucking calm down, asshole!" She yelled after she spun around abruptly. "You wanna act like you love me one minute and act like your ass is single the next!" She went off. "Fuck you!"

"What the fuck was I supposed to say, huh?" I yelled back. "You did tell me to leave and I did!" My voice cracked. "Yes, I cheated! I made a mistake! But, I was willing to fix it, Julliet!" I began crying. "When you act how you wanna act, everything's cool, but the minute I fuck up, it's fuck me!" I croaked. "I wanted a divorce a while back, but you made sure that never happened, because you didn't want it to!" I sobbed. "I stayed because you asked me to!" I sniffled. "I keep compromising my happiness to accommodate yours and you never see it!" I yelled. "You asked for a divorce and you got one!" I continued to sob. "What else did you want me to say?"

"You should've died in that accident." She spewed.

Nodding, I walked, or limped rather, away from her on my crutch. I didn't know where I was going or how I was getting there, but I was going.

Sitting at the dining room table, feeling defeated because of my immobility, I sighed.

"Look at you. Can't even get far." Julliet teased. "Pathetic."

Wiping at my eyes, I pulled out my phone and called Elliott.

"Hello?" He answered sleepily.

"Come get me."

"Where you at?" He asked.

Looking dead at Julliet, I sniffled.



"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, Geo." Elliott said as soon as I got situated in his truck, before he closed my door, running around to his side and getting in, pulling off.

"I turned her into a monster." I shook my head.

"She'll come around." Elliott attempted to cheer me up, to no avail.

"She fucking hates me." I grumbled. "She fucked me the other day and then act like she didn't know me. Like I'm a cheap prostitute or some shit."

Elliott slammed on the brakes.

"She fucked you?" His extra ass exclaimed like he ain't heard what I said.

"Yes, nigguh." I rolled my eyes. "Like literally fucked me. Hopped on, rode the shit out of my dick, came, then hopped off as soon as I said I love you and then, she acted like it never happened." I vented.

"Damn, she played you." He chuckled as he continued driving.

"Please, don't make fun of my situation, dude. I'm really hurt about that." My voice cracked as my eyes welled up with tears again.

"Geo, man, take it easy. " He tried soothing me. "She'll come around. She's just upset."

"She's been upset for almost two years!" I snapped. "If she was upset, she would've been upset for about a month or even six, but it's almost been two years, Elliott." I sniffled as tears fell down my cheeks. "I haven't fucked anybody. I haven't even as much as talked to anybody and she doesn't see it." I sobbed.

"Geo..." He sighed as he trailed off. "Pull it together, alright?" He gave me the same advise I've heard a million times now. "You've done some shit and so has she, but you're a good dude. You love her and everybody knows that, so if she wants to let you go, then let her go too and move on with your life." He advised. "She cheated and you took her back. She falsely accused you of cheating and you took her back. She had an abortion and you forgave her. She went out and got raped against you advise and you forgave you; you helped her to get through that despite it being her fault. You bought her a house, a store, a car and you gave her start-up money for her business. You e sacrificed alot for her, Geo. As a friend, I'm telling you to just let it go, because it seems to be what she wants." He continued as I listened. "I know you love her and I know it's hard, but you gotta do what's best for you, man." He shook his head. "I mean, look at you. You're all fucked up over her and she doesn't seem to care. Is it really worth holding on anymore?" He sighed. "You're holding on to the blade of the sword while she's gripping the handle. You're the one getting hurt. Just let go, Geo."



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