Chapter 1

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A/N: Hey guys, I'm currently editing the story. For any new readers or anyone re-reading, I'm going to apologise now since the quality of the writing will be different on unedited chapters. I started writing this when I was 16 so some of the language is waaaaaay off, the tenses are wrong and there are a few spelling errors. 

I'm also going to fill any plot holes, condensing the amount of chapters and ADDING NEW BITS IN! 

Thanks for being patient with me, 

Stay lovely .x

Taylor Swift - Everything Has Changed 

The familiar sound of Ariana Grande filled my room, bringing my slumber to a halt. I mindlessly cursed myself, wondering why I still hadn't changed the song to my alarm in almost three years. I guess laziness really is a curse. A loud groan leaves my lips as I reach under my pillow and shut off the song I can no longer listen to without groaning.

If you want to ruin a song, the best way to do it is by keeping it as an alarm tone.

I force my sleep induced body out of bed and trudge to the bathroom. I had to shower and get ready for what the day had to offer. My best friend was coming home after six long months away on tour. He had his occasional day off, but it's never the same. It's not the same as having him beside me every day. I had promised to pick him up from the airport, and right now I was regretting that promise.

Harry and I had been friends for as long as I could remember. He was the awkward chubby kid and I was the loud mouth. I guess you could say opposites attract. While I was studying in college, he was touring the world with four of his best friends. I could try and put into words how proud of him I was, but no word can really explain it. I was just happy to see him doing the thing he loved most even if it limited the time we spent together.

By the time I had finished getting ready, the clock read 5:36am. My jet-black hair was pulled back into a messy bun as I chucked on an oversized shirt, vest and some worn out shorts. I gave myself a once over in the full-length mirror before grabbing my phone and keys and heading to my car.

Harry and I lived close to each other. I had moved here straight after university so I could be closer to him. He had taken it upon himself to choose my house, purposely finding one near him. I wasn't complaining though, any excuse to see him was good enough for me.

When I arrive at the airport, there's already a small crowd forming. After eight years of seeing this happen, it no longer shocked me. I pass a group of smiling fans as they wave and say hello. I quickly grab a coffee before making my way to the terminal. There were security guards waiting.

I smile at one that I recognised. He was part of the One Direction security crew. With my coffee in one hand and my phone in the other, I take a seat in the far-right hand corner, away from the growing crowd.

I found their support for the One Direction boys impeccably adorable. Their support is never unnoticed though, Harry never seems to stop talking about how the fans had expanded their dreams in more ways than one. I also found it cute how they supported our friendship, how some had created fan accounts dedicated to me and how my Twitter follower count was higher than expected for someone as ordinary as me.

I hear shouts and screams coming from in front of the terminal, making the boys arrival known. I watch as the security guards create a barrier, keeping the fans a safe distance away from the boys. Their unruly appearance shows they had been sleeping on the flight back. I watch the curly headed figure as he smiles brightly, hand in the air as he waves. He reaches past one of the security guards and begins signing a few photos and the rest of the lads follow.

My Best Friend's Wedding [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now