Chapter 1

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Summer finally started. I'm not one of those teenagers who are excited for it. Okay, a little bit because I'll get to spend a day with Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. I consider them as my best friends.

I'm currently on Instagram and searching for some cool pics. As I scroll through my feed, something or to be specific, someone caught my eye.

Wow... That was all I could say.

I checked his profile and I was shocked when I saw that I was already following him. I don't remember following a perfect creature like him.

Manu Rios. Define perfect.

I browsed through his account and I discovered that he sings as well. He literally has everything.

A memory suddenly came through my mind. I have his picture on my iPad! It's so awesome that I was already following him without me knowing. Stupid, Kirby.

As I was watching his videos, I suddenly felt butterflies in my stomach.

No way! I should not have a crush on this guy! I don't want to cheat on Harry, Louis, Niall, Zayn, and Liam!

I laughed. Yep, I'm a directioner and I'm proud to say it. I think it's not bad to have a crush on this guy. No one will know anyway.

I was busy drooling over him when my sister, Samantha, pinched my back. I let out a small groan.

"Sam! What's your problem?!" I looked at her with disgust. She's my younger sister and she's very outgoing, unlike me.

"Kirbaby, you're always in your room! Are you a vampire?! Look at your windows, it's always closed." She said and I couldn't help, but roll my eyes. She's acting like my mom.


I hate it when she calls me that. Why do I even have a boy's name?

I'm Kirby Jorge Campbell. Even my second name is a boy's name.

My parents thought I was going to be a boy so they already settled with that name. They already planned my baptism and my invitation card for my first birthday. My parents are very excited, right? But then to their surprise, I turned out to be a girl. Have they ever heard of an ultrasound before? My grandparents are fond of believing superstitions. They believed that when the stomach of a pregnant woman is big, it's a boy. But it's not true and I'm a living proof of it.

"Hey, Kirby! I'm talking to you! Mom said we're going to the carnival." She said and started picking up trashes on the floor.

I frowned and closed my laptop. "I don't want to go." I covered my face with my hands. My eyes are swelling because of too much radiation. "You guys go. I'll protect the house from burglars."

She laughed, sarcastically. "As if we'll believe you. You almost burned the house the other day because of your laziness."

"Why are you so bossy? Samantha, you're only seven years old!" I spat.

Yes, she's very young but she acts like an adult. I'm seventeen and she's the youngest. I have an older brother who's living in London and I want to live with him. It's my dream to live in the UK because One Direction was born there.

"Whatever. Go change now, okay? Mom's going to check on you later. Bye, sissy."

I frowned. I have no choice. I logged off and changed my clothes.

Yey, let's have fun. Note the sarcasm.

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