Chapter 36

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"So this is it." I said through my phone. I'm currently talking to Gavin when I heard our flight being called.

"Have a safe flight you guys." Gavin said, weakly.

I bit my lip and spoke. "I can still change my—"

"No, I know you want this. Have fun, okay? And don't forget my souvenir." He said and let out a chuckle.

"Okay, fine!" I said. "We need to go, Gav. I will message you as soon as we arrive in Madrid." I informed.

"Okay." Gavin chuckled. I sighed and ended the call. I sure will miss Gavin. I mean, I will be spending my whole vacation in Madrid.

Manu walked towards me and helped me with my bags. I smiled and followed him. To be honest, this is my very first time! I'm not a big fan of planes, okay?! I'm scared of it. What if the plane will crash?! Oh no, I'm too young to die.

"Are you okay?" Manu looked back at me. I smiled and held tight on the stair holder. As soon as we reached the door of the plane, the stewardess helped us find our seat. I sighed. Thank goodness my seat isn't near the window. I would probably freak out if I see the clouds above.

We sat on our chairs and made ourselves comfortable. I'm in between Samantha and Manu. My parents are seated at the back.

"Kirby, are you okay?" Samantha asked while laughing. I glared at her and closed my eyes. Geez, I'm not afraid of heights, but why am I afraid of airplanes?

When I heard the captain spoke from the speakers above, I froze. Get a hold of yourself, Kirby. You will survive this! You can do this. You—

My eyes went big when I felt a hand on my hand. I looked at Manu. He smiled and held my hand tighter. I blinked twice because of shock. Oh my god, somebody teach me how to breathe!

"Your first time?" He asked, casually. I nodded and looked down. God, this is embarrassing. I heard him chuckled. "You will be fine. Everyone has their firsts." He said. I couldn't help, but feel relieved of what he said. What kind of magic do you have, Manu? You have the power to make me hyper and at the same time, calm. What kind of sorcery is this? Haha.

"Thank you." I said. Manu smiled at me and looked outside the window. I gasped when I saw that we already flew up. Wait, why didn't I notice?! I looked at the clouds. Oh my god, it's so beautiful! Now I regret why I didn't sit next to the window.

"It's so beautiful!" I couldn't help, but to comment. Manu looked at me and smiled.

"Do you want to switch seats?" He asked. I didn't waste a second of it. I mean, this is a once in a life time opportunity. When I was seated next to the window, I observed the clouds and saw a bird.

"Look! What if that bird bumps into this plane?" I asked. Manu chuckled and looked at me. "What?" I asked, innocently.

He shook his head while smiling. "You're so cute." He muttered. I felt my face blushed. I looked away and bit my lip. Geez, I don't know what to do. I brushed my face with my hand and looked at the clouds again. After a couple of minutes, I felt tired and went to sleep.



I woke up when I heard that voice. I looked at Manu and smiled.

"They're serving dinner." He said. I nodded and brushed my hair with my hand. I looked back to see my parents eating their dinner.

Inconceivable Us (Manu Rios Fan Fiction) (REVISING)Where stories live. Discover now