Chapter 27

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"Happy anniversary, mom and dad!" Samantha and I shouted in unison.

We woke up early just to greet them. I feel like a very good daughter. Haha

Mom smiled and squinted her eyes. Did I mention that we're in their room?

"Awe, thank you." Mom stretched her arms and waited for us to come near her and give a very big hug. Mom caressed our backs and kissed our temples.

"Dad..." I said while tapping his arm. He's still sleeping. He's even snoring. I laughed and laid next to him.

"I'm so excited today!" Samantha said while clapping her hands. Me, too. We always celebrate mom and dad's anniversary. Sometimes we go out of town or have a picnic, depends on the situation. The location doesn't matter, as long as our family is complete.

"Good morning, my world." Dad said and looked at us. I let out a noise. Dad is so cheesy. Haha. Mom squealed and kissed dad. Okay, PDA you guys. Just kidding.

After our small conversation, Samantha and I went downstairs. We have a surprise for mom and dad. Manu's supposed to be a part of it, but he's busy so...

"Why the sad face?" Samantha asked.

I shook my head. "Nothing."

"Someone's missing someone." Samantha sang and grabbed a glass of water.

"No way, Samantha." I defended.

"Don't deny it, sister. I know you would be more happy today if Manu was here."

"Okay, fine!" I surrendered. I can't win over her, anyway. "I just wish he was here, you know." I said with a low voice while looking down.

"Bingo! You really are in love with him." Samantha yelled. I shushed her because dad might hear her. Dad doesn't know yet and I'm not planning on telling him. I'm scared he might get angry with me.

"I thought you knew already?" I asked. Her face lit up and she followed it with a smirk.

"Just wanted to be sure." She chuckled. I smiled and looked down.

"But I can't tell him I like him." I said.

"Oh, c'mon! Cut your dramas and tell him you love him." Samantha said.

If only it's that easy...

"You know Hannah likes him, right?" I answered.

"So? Forget about Hannah and be with Manu." Samantha said without hesitation.

"You don't understand. She's my friend and I made a promise to help her."

"You what? Why did you do that?" She asked me.

"Because... because I wasn't sure before of what I feel towards Manu." I said and looked at her. She's giving me an annoying stare. Yeah, I'm so annoying.

"You should've not done that. Now that you've developed feelings for him, things are becoming worse and it will never stop until you confront Hannah." Samantha said. I couldn't help, but laugh. "What?" Samantha stared weirdly at me.

"You're acting like a very old woman." I laughed hard. She just looked at me so I let out an awkward laugh and scratched the back of my neck.

"I don't want you to get hurt. You're my sister." She said, sincerely. Why is she being sweet all of a sudden? I gave her a tight hug.

"Thank you, Samantha. Promise, I can handle this." I assured her. She smiled and nodded. "Wait, why are we so sweet all of a sudden?" After I said that, Samantha laughed.

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