Chapter 10

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I dedicate this chapter to VeronicaKwon because she supports this story. Thank you!

Here's Chapter 10!

Seriously? I face-palmed. Is this some kind of inheritance? Why? He's so handsome and all but...

After Gavin texted me, I smiled awkwardly at him. I don't know what to say. I just wanted to go home and cry myself to sleep.

Why am I even making this a big deal? He just asked for my number. Nothing more. But, he's a heartthrob. Do all popular kids text like that? Because to be honest, I don't want to be popular.

"Let's go? They're probably looking for us." He smiled as if he isn't a jejemon dude. I have no choice, but to follow him. I just can't confront him and say, "Hey! Why are you texting like that? It's irritating."

We headed back to the living room. I sat beside a group of popular kids. I'm so bored. Jescel approached me.

"Hey, are you having a great time?" She asked. I just smiled.

Note to self: Never hangout with people who doesn't share the same interest as you.

I looked at my watch and it says 3:00 pm.

"I'm really glad you're hanging out with us, Kirby. And to the point that you're staying to party with us? That's—"

I cut her off. What did she just say? "What?" I blurted out.

"We're going to have a party later and all the popular kids are going. My friends and I are just here early because it's going to be crowded later and let's save the wasted part later." She winked at me.

Oh no. I don't like the wasted part. I have never been to parties before. And I don't drink!

"Y-you didn't tell me, Jescel."

"I don't need to tell you, Kirbz. Loosen up, girl. Just have fun. You only live once." She shouted and her gang agreed with her. No way! I'm going home.

I stood up and walked outside. I don't want to disappoint my parents. Yes, they give me freedom, but this is too much. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked back to see who it was.

"Where are you going?" Gavin asked.

"I'm going home." I said, sternly.

"What? Why?" I'm annoyed right now. Can't he just let me go?

"I don't party, okay?" I told him. He nodded and walked away from me. I snorted and opened the gate.

While I was waiting for a cab, I saw Gavin running towards me. What is it this time?

"Please don't go home. We can go somewhere else." He held my arm.

"What are you talking about?" Seriously, this guy is creeping me out. I mean, the heartthrob is pleading for me to stay?

"Please?" He pleaded. I don't know what to do.

"Okay." I was out of words. I don't want to disrespect him. After all, he is popular and it would be shameful that someone as ordinary as me has the guts to reject someone like him.

He smiled. "Thank you. Where do you want to go?" He asked me.

"I don't know." I shrugged. I want to go home, but you wanted me to stay. You must have a place in mind.

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