Chapter 14

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Weeks went by so fast. I haven't heard about Manu these past few weeks. I've been really busy. Yes, you heard me right. I've been busy with my personal life. Since Gavin and I are close friends now, my parents trust Gavin whenever we go to different places. We had our out of town vacation, but that was a month ago. I thought my summer was going to be boring, but I was wrong.

"Gavin!" I called him. I saw him eating with his friends. He waved at me and gestured that I should seat with them. Oooh, the cool kids.

And yep, school started already. Actually, it's not the first day of school. I was just too busy to narrate all the memorable events that have happened.

Gavin's friends greeted me so I gave them a smile. Some of them are the typical cool kids; the ones who bully students. I'm not close to them. I'm just here because of Gavin.

"Let's go somewhere?" He always says that whenever his friends are with us. Maybe he can sense that I'm not comfortable with their presence.

We went to the other cafeteria. I ordered our food since it's my schedule. We have this schedule of treating each other lunch. I came up with the idea because I don't want him to always buy me food. I want him to lessen his gentleman side.

We started devouring our food. Thank goodness his friends didn't follow us. They always do that and they always tease us. We're not in a relationship, okay? I mean, he's Gavin. I value our friendship more. He's not even giving hints that he likes me. I don't need to think of anything.

As for my stalker, he stopped giving letters. Thank God he did. My parents were going nuts about it. Though his letters were harmless, it's still weird to think that someone's sending you unknown letters.

"I can't believe we're seniors." I blurted out of the blue. Yes, this is our last year. To be honest, I'm scared to go to college. I don't know what lies beyond the wall. Ps. I'm channeling my inner Tris Prior.

"Yes, and I can't believe I wasn't promoted to being this year's captain." Gavin pouted.

"Oh yeah, why is that? I mean, you're good." I said. He raised an eyebrow.

"You never watch our game. How can you say I'm good?" He laughed.

"I don't know. I just feel like you're a good player. Besides, if you're not great, then why are you still part of the team?"

He smiled at me.

We continued eating until the bell rang. Classes again.

After school, Gavin texted me that they have a game so I'm going home without him. Wait, I can watch their game! I texted Gavin that I'm going to watch, but he didn't reply. Maybe he's busy. I went to the gym, but the guard stopped me.

"Where do you think you're going?" He said with a serious tone. What's he talking about?

"Inside. I'm going to watch the game." I explained. He scanned me.

"Ticket?" Wait, what?


"This game is a charity event. The tickets that were sold will be donated to a chosen charity. So, ticket?"

Seriously? I have never heard of that!


"It's okay, Sam. She's my girlfriend." A guy held my hand. I was taken aback. What?!

"Okay." The guard immediately opened the gate for us.

What just happened?!

He's still holding my hand and it feels uneasy.

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