Chapter 51

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"Congratulations, Kirby!" Sandro hugged me.

I can't believe we're done with high school. This feels surreal.

"Thank you, Sands." I said. "Where's Manu?" I asked.

Manu promised to come to my graduation ceremony, but I didn't see him.

"He will be here, don't be excited." Sandro ruffled my hair. "I'll go find Chelsea." He said and patted my shoulder.

I nodded and smiled.

Sandro and Chelsea are already in a relationship. Yes, you heard me right. I wasn't able to fulfill my duty as a Cupid because it turns out that Sandro is in love with Chelsea. They had a rough start at first because of too many barriers. For example Chelsea's super strict parents. But eventually, they let Chelsea be with Sandro. I'm really happy for them. As for Sofia, she realized that she's only infatuated with Sandro and nothing more than a crush. And omg, Sandro had a crush on Lara. Too many revelations, I know.


My thoughts were cut off when I felt someone hugged me from behind. I looked at the person.

"Manu! I thought you wouldn't come." I hugged him.

"I wouldn't miss this special day of my girlfriend." He said and pinched my cheeks. "I'm so proud of you." He said.

"Thanks!" I chuckled.

Mom called our attention.

"Let's go now, dear." She said.

I nodded and held Manu's hand. We're celebrating because I survived high school. Haha. I wonder where we are eating.

After a minute, we arrived at a very lovely restaurant.

"Oh my god, I know this place! We went here when we were finding One Direction!" I squealed and looked at Manu.

Manu laughed.

"That's why we chose this place." He said and looked at my parents.

"Thanks, guys."

We went inside. A guy escorted us to our table. I gasped when I saw that we're going to a VIP room. I didn't even know they had a room like this. It was a glass-walled room.

I saw many people inside. Manu opened the door for me. I said 'thanks'.

People cheered when they saw me. Everyone is here. My family including my cousins and Manu's family. Greg's even here.

"Congratulations, Kirby." They said.

Some shook my hands while others hugged me. I suddenly felt emotional. I mean, they made an effort.

"Thank you." I said.

I sat next to Manu. We had a very great conversation. It feels nice to see my family happy. Thank goodness I finished high school. I didn't know my parents would be this happy that I graduated.

After our dinner, Manu asked a permission to my parents if I could come with him.

"Why? Where are we going?" I asked.

He just smiled at me. My parents were okay with it so we went out of the restaurant.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked again.

Manu chuckled and ruffled my hair. He handed me my helmet.

Fine, I won't ask anymore.

After a minute, we arrived at an abandoned building.

Inconceivable Us (Manu Rios Fan Fiction) (REVISING)Where stories live. Discover now