Chapter 26

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"Hi!" He smiled. Im currently on a FaceTime call with Manu while eating my lunch. Multitasking at its finest. Haha

"Hey. Lunch?" I chuckled. He laughed in return.

"Are you okay with me talking to you while you're eating?" He asked.

"Yep. I'm totally okay with it." I assured him. "What are you doing?" I asked.

"Oh, I'm in LA right now. Guess what?" He said with excitement in his tone.


"I'm recording for my first album!" He said. My eyes widened. Oh my god!

"Really?! That's amazing!" I yelled. I looked at the people around me. They were all looking at me with weird stares. Ugh, curse this earphones. I chuckled and buried my face with my hand. Manu laughed.

"Someone's happy." He said. I looked at him.

"Of course I am. I'm so proud of you, Manu. You're getting all of your dreams." I said.

"Thank you, KJ. I am so happy, too! My parents will be here next week. By the way, I'm afraid I can't attend your parents' anniversary." He frowned.

Oh yeah, he promised to attend. He said he has a surprise for my parents.

"It's okay." I smiled. "They will understand."

He smiled, sadly. "I'm really sorry. Ugh, I broke my promise." He let out a frustrating sigh.

"Hey, it's okay." I chuckled. "I will extend your greetings to them, don't worry." I cheered him up.

"Thank you." He smiled.

I was startled when someone tapped my shoulder. I looked up and saw Hannah. I accidentally dropped my phone after I saw her.

"Are you okay?" She laughed. I chuckled, awkwardly in return. I was surprised when she kneeled to grab my phone. She was surprised when she saw Manu on the screen.

"Manu?!" She said. Great. Wait, I should help her, right? I should let them talk.

Before I could say a word, Hannah was already talking to Manu.

"Wow! That's amazing! What a coincidence, I'm planning to go there this week. Oh my god!" She squealed.

I looked at my watch. My break is almost over. As if on cue, the bell rang. Hannah must've not heard the bell because she was still speaking with my earphones attached on her ears. I tapped her shoulder.

"Yes?" She asked.

"Break's over." I said. She frowned and gave me a I'm-still-talking-to-him-you-can-leave-your-phone-to-me-okay-bye look. Well, that was long.

"O-okay." I said. Thank goodness I always delete my messages.

I sighed and went to my class. She won't find anything in my phone, right? It's not like she will browse through my phone. But... what if...? Ugh, Kirby. Stop overthinking.

I went to my class. Ooh, Math. That sucks.

I hurriedly went to my seat. I saw Chelsea flipping through her notes so I smiled when she saw me come in. 

After my Math class, I went to the cafeteria. Hannah isn't a student here so...

Wait, how did she even get inside without the guard noticing her?

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