Chapter 4

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My eyes widened when I saw Manu standing in front of me. What the hell is going on?

"Manu?! What are you doing here?"

He laughed for a second. "Yeah, it's nice to see you, too." He said with pure sarcasm.

Oh my god! It really is him! What? Why? How?

"Kirby you're scaring me." He handed me a menthol.

"A menthol, really?"

"I thought you were going to pass out!" He explained.

"Kirby!" I turned my head when my mom called me.

"Oh my gosh! Why is he here?" Samantha asked, her finger pointing towards Manu.

"I just got back from London. I was originally planning to go home, but I wanted to see someone so I came back." He looked at me when he said those words.

Oh my god! This isn't like those cliché movies! This is real life, Kirby. Get a life!

"Someone?" Samantha interrupted. I glared at her. She never shuts up.

"Yeah, Hannah. We're going to cover a song so I came back as soon as I could. She lives here and we decided to shoot the video here too."

I felt my heart broke. Too much expectations and too much watching romance films.

Samantha shut up and pretended to be texting someone. Okay, this is awkward.

"Wow, you sing?" Mom tried to enlighten the atmosphere. Thanks, mom.

"Yeah, I love to sing." Manu replied.

"Oh, what a coincidence! Kirby loves to sing, too!" Mom tapped my shoulder. I looked at her with wide eyes.


"You sing?" Manu asked me.

"N-no," I protested, "I don't know how to sing." I faked a laugh.

"Kirby is so shy, Manu. But she has a good voice. I always hear her singing in her room."

Mom, really?! How could you do this to your own child?!

"Wow, we can do a cover!" Manu clapped his hands and then held both my shoulders.

I shrugged and looked down.

"N-no, I don't sing Manu." I said. "And even if I knew how to, I wouldn't want to do a cover." I gave him a sad smile.

I don't want attention, to be honest. Yes, I'm very annoying when it comes to seeking for my idols' attentions, but when it comes to me being in the center of attention, I think I can't do that. I'm too afraid of bashers.

"Please, Kirby." Manu pleaded.

I looked away. Oh my god, please don't do that. Is he not aware that he's so handsome? I might give up quickly.

"I'm really sorry. I suck at singing, Manu. I just sing for fun. But doing a cover? You're kidding." I laughed.

Manu pouted. "Okay, Kirby." He said, sadly, but then smirked afterwards. "But I'm not giving up on you!" He laughed and walked away.

"W-wait! Where are you going?" I shouted.

"I'm going to the bathroom. You wanna come with me?" He laughed with teasing eyes.

Oh my god! That was embarrassing!

I looked away because I know I'm as red as a tomato right now. Mom and Samantha laughed their socks off. Manu walked away and went to the bathroom.

"Kirby, you sure you're not in love?" Samantha asked.

"Shut up, Sammy." I covered my face with my hands.

Minutes passed and Manu is still nowhere in sight. Why am I even waiting for him? My phone beeped.

It was a direct message from Manu.

Hey, KJ. I'm really sorry, but I have to go. Hannah just informed me that we'll shoot the cover now because she has plans tomorrow. I'm really sorry. :(

KJ? I'm not a kill joy! Well, sometimes. Hehe.

I replied.

It's okay :)

"Mom, can we go home?" I said.

"Why?" Mom asked.

"I just want to go home." I looked down.

"Manu's not coming back?" Samantha asked me.

I nodded. I don't know why I'm sad over this! So what if he's not coming back?! I'm just overreacting. Okay, Kirby. Stop acting like a possessive fan and have fun.

I shrugged my thoughts away and took a deep breath. I don't want to ruin this day for my mom and Sam. They looked so excited to spend a day with me.

"Just kidding, mom. Okay, where do you guys want to go next?" I clapped my hands.

"I think we should go home, Kirby." Mom said. "I'm really tired and my back's killing me."

"Oh, okay."

Once we arrived home, I headed to my room and locked the door.

Why am I even frustrated? It wasn't a big deal anyway.

Ugh. Why can't I just agree to make a song cover with him?! It's not like it'll be the end of me.

So what if you'll get bashed? They're just bored with their lives and they want attention.

Okay, Kirby. You can do this. You can make a song cover with Manu Rios.

I took a deep breath so my worries will fade. Then I started typing,

Hey! I want to do a cover with you.

I quickly deleted my message. I sounded weird and direct to the point. I typed again.

Hey, Manu. Are you busy? I was wondering if your deal's still up? I kind of wanted to say yes to it.

Is this better? I don't know what to say. I closed my eyes and hit send.

I went to the bathroom to wash my face because I'm so nervous. When I went back, my phone beeped.

Wow. Yes! Yes! Thank you, Kirby. Can we meet tomorrow? At the mall where I saw you earlier? The same spot.

Oh my god! This is it!

Okay. :)

He quickly replied.

Can I ask for your number?

I smiled. Why do I feel so giddy? For goodness sake, I'm not a freakin' teenager! Oh wait, I am a teenager! Haha, I'm so annoying. I want to stab myself with a fork. Sorry, I'm just happy!

I sent him my number and after a few minutes, he texted me.

Hey! It's Manu. :)

I quickly saved his number and jumped up and down like a crazy fangirl.

Oh my god! I have Manu's number?! When did I get so lucky? I mean, not all fans can experience this! And me?! Oh my god, again.

Tomorrow! Hurry up, please!

Inconceivable Us (Manu Rios Fan Fiction) (REVISING)Where stories live. Discover now