Chapter 6

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I looked at my watch to see that it was already 6:00 pm. The staff started building their mini stage while Manu and Hannah were briefed by the director about what will happen later. I'm so excited right now since this will be a first for me.

After they finished setting up the stage, the make-up artists called the actors as well as Manu and Hannah for their final retouch.

Manu needs a retouch, also? But he doesn't need it anymore. I chuckled.

The director clapped to call everyone's attention. I almost dropped my ice cream.

I'm facing their mini stage so I can see what they're about to do. This is it!

They started singing on stage with a band. They're singing Rock Bottom by Hailee Steinfeld and DNCE. They looked so happy. I can't help, but dance in my seat. They look so good together.

I must say the band was amazing, too. I bet they're all professionals. And the actresses, they know how to handle their roles. And the center of attraction, which were Manu and Hannah, were so amazing. It feels like I am in a concert.

After they finished shooting, Manu offered to give me a ride. I felt goosebumps all of a sudden.

"Y-you don't have to, Manu." I smiled. I looked at my watch and it's almost 10:00 pm. I hope mom's not angry.

"I'm sure your mom's worried by now." It seemed like he read my mind.

I remembered what he said earlier about me helping him. "Wait, you asked for my help, right? You won't finish editing if I'll go home now." I stated.

But my parents...

"It's okay, Kirby. I can handle it. I can ask for their help. Even Hannah offered to help me with editing. And besides, we have a big day tomorrow." He smiled.

"Big day?" I asked.

"Yeah! Operation: Find Kirby's Husbands." He said while visualizing in the air what we will do tomorrow. I laughed.

"Wow, you're creative, Manu. Never thought you had it in you." I pinched his arm, playfully.

"I'm awesome, Kirby. So c'mon? You need your beauty rest." What he said made me smile.

"I only need rest, Manu." I chuckled and looked down.

"You don't think you're beautiful?" He asked. I looked away. Why am I even having this kind of conversation with him? It feels uneasy.

"W-well..." I scratched my elbow. Oh, mannerism.

"Don't ever think that you're not beautiful, Kirby. I think you're pretty and amazing." I looked at him and he was already looking away. Thank goodness, I think I'm going to explode now with these emotions inside of me.

While he was looking away, I took the chance to scan his face.

How could someone like him say that I'm beautiful? I looked away when he turned his head to face me. That was close!

He gestured me to ride on his motorcycle. I never thought he had one, but he said he borrowed it from their director.

We drove safely and reached home. Thank goodness he wasn't a crazy driver.

When I reached our door, I turned around to say goodbye.

"Thanks for the ride." I smiled.

"Yeah, you're welcome. I'm going now?" He laughed.

"Is that a question?" I chuckled at his weirdness.

"Okay, bye." He said. I nodded, but he wasn't moving. This is an awkward situation.

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