Chapter 32

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"Someone's happy."

I stopped walking when I heard a voice. I turned around and looked at the person leaning on the wall. Lol, model, eh?

"Whatever." I stuck my tongue at him and continued walking. I felt him following me.

"Geez, you're scary when you're in love." He snorted. I laughed at his remarks and stopped walking.

I looked at him and smiled. "Love can really change people, Sandro." I said.

"Ew, can you please go back to your old and boring self?" He asked while rolling his eyes. I'm kind of okay with Sandro insulting me. I mean, he knows his limits and I think we are friends now.

"Whatever, Sands." I laughed. "You should fall in love." I said.

"No way!" He shouted. He doesn't really care about the people around us, eh? "I-I don't want to fall in love again." He said.

I was taken aback. "You've fallen in love before?" I asked while chuckling. Sandro glared at me so I shut up.

"Of course. I'm not a weirdo like you." He said and put his hands inside his pockets. "I don't want to talk about it." He said.

"Oh, c'mon. We are friends already, right?" I asked while smiling.

"Seriously, you're creepy." He said with a sour face. I laughed and cleared my throat.

"Okay, fine. Now, I'm back to normal." I said.

"Don't you have a class?" He asked.

"It's 4:00 in the afternoon, Sandro." I laughed at him. Sandro glared at me and walked away.

"Hey!" I shouted. I followed him. Geez. Finally, Sandro stopped walking. "Where are you going?" I asked.

"You want to talk about it, right?" He said without any emotion.

"Really?" I asked. I can't believe he's telling me his love story.

"Don't give me that look, Kirby. It wasn't a love story." He said.

I rolled my eyes. "Thanks for ruining my imagination." I said.

Sandro smirked and walked ahead of me. Instead of nagging, I followed him wherever he would go. He walked towards the gymnasium. Though it's locked already, he still managed to open it. I mean, he has a spare key! Sandro opened the gate and we went to the bleachers.

"Why here?" I asked. Sandro didn't say a word and handed me a sketch pad. I opened it and I gasped when I saw drawings. Not just a normal drawing, but a very beautiful artwork. "You drew these?" I asked with amusement in my tone. Sandro nodded and looked down. I sat beside him. "Wow! These are amazing!" I said.

"It's still useless." He said.

"What? Why?" I asked.

"She broke up with me." He said with a sad face. I looked at the sketches again. This girl is very familiar to me. I just can't put my finger on it.

"Can I take you somewhere?" He asked out of the blue. I looked at him with curiosity.

"Where?" I asked.

"The place where we built our dreams." Sandro said and pretended to chuckle. What he said was cheesy, but I understand him. I know I haven't felt what he felt, but I just know that I understand him. That didn't make any sense, right?

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