Chapter 3

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Weeks have passed after my encounter with Manu. And honestly, I still can't believe I met him the same day I became his fan.

"Good morning, mom!" I greeted my mother with a wide smile.

I don't know what got me today, but when I opened my eyes, I felt like I needed to be happy. This feels weird, but I kind of like it.

"Kirby? What happened to you?! Are you sick?" My mom asked while touching my forehead.

I rolled my eyes. "Thanks, mom." I laughed. "It's me, your daughter. What's wrong with greeting you anyway?" I smiled and hugged her.

"Well...Y-you don't do that."

"What's all the fuss out there?" Samantha shouted before heading to our direction.

When she saw me, she dropped her comb and a shocked expression was plastered on her face.

"You're up?" She asked me.

"What's wrong with waking up?"

"There's something wrong with you." She scanned me. "Are you in love?" She said.

I felt my face heat up. "W-what are you talking about?" I awkwardly laughed. "Me? In love?"

"Yes, you are. Is it because of that guy you met when we went to the carnival?" She raised an eyebrow.

"You're out of your mind, Samantha. You're just hungry." I said while patting her head.

"Well, nothing's wrong with being in love." My mom said while stirring the soup she was cooking.

"Who said I'm in love?" I half-shouted. They're very annoying.

"Yeah, you can deny all you want, Kirby, but your aura won't lie." My mom smirked.

They're making fun of me! I'm not waking up early anymore!

I can't be in love! I barely know Manu and I just met him yesterday. I bet he's not interested with me because I'm not beautiful.

"You're groaning." My mom said.

"And you're spacing out." Samantha added.

Ugh, these two! But I can't blame them. I rarely talk to them and I'm always in my room.

"Mom, I'm going to sleep again." I said.

I was about to go back to my room, but my mom held my hand.

"Kirby, you're up already." She said. "I'm sorry honey, we're just happy that you're slowly changing." She added before enveloping me into a tight hug.

"Changing, really?" I laughed a little.

"Yes, and if it's because of that Manu—"

"Mom! You're starting again!" I frowned. "I don't like him and he obviously isn't attracted to me."

"How'd you know that? Did he tell you?" She questioned.

"No, but I know." I looked down.

"Hey, don't feel bad about yourself. You're beautiful, okay?" Mom gave me an encouraging smile.

"Thanks, mom." I smiled.

It felt weird to be like this with my mother. Maybe I really am missing important things because of my anti-social behavior. Tsk, don't be like me, kids. Haha.

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