Chapter 7

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I woke up to Samantha's irritating voice. What's with her today? I want to sleep. And besides, it's only 10:00 a.m in the morning.

Wait, 10:00?! Manu! I totally overslept!

I ignored Samantha's scolds and went to the bathroom. How stupid of me to not wake up early!

I didn't mind what I look like. I did not even look at myself in the mirror. I just have to go downstairs.

I ran towards our living room and found Manu and my dad talking. Instantly, they gave me weird stares.

"Mom, we have to go." I said. I went to the kitchen to take a bite of the sandwich my mom made. I'm really hungry, but we need to get going.

My mom spoke. "Manu's been here for almost two hours." She said while suppressing her laugh.

"Y-yeah. I kind of overslept." I said with embarrassment in my tone, which earned a laugh from Manu.

"Kind of? You overslept so bad!" Samantha shouted from her room. Seriously, she can hear our conversation?

I ignored her and bid my parents goodbye.

I closed the door and smiled at Manu. I'm going to ride on his motorcycle again. Well, his director's motorcycle.

"Do you at least want to comb your hair?" Manu laughed. I touched my hair. 

I totally forgot to brush it! 

I reached for my bag to grab my comb, but found none. I don't usually comb my hair. Sorry about that.

"Forget about it, we need to find One Direction." I said and opened Twitter. I checked for some updates from the boys or whoever knows where they are right now. Finally, Niall posted a photo of them at a restaurant. 

I know this place! 

Manu hurriedly drove us to where the boys were.

We stopped at a restaurant. Okay, I haven't combed yet though there is a big possibility that I will see them. I need to look good!

We walked towards the restaurant. Woah. This is one fancy place. I haven't been inside here yet. There were so many rich people everywhere. Are they not aware that my husbands are here?

We scanned the place. I don't see them here. I was about to go somewhere, but a guy approached us.

"Excuse me, miss. Do you have a reservation?" He asked while scanning my whole being. Okay, I know I don't look fancy.

Manu spoke for me. "No, we are finding someone or a group to be specific."

"Are you looking for One Direction?" He smiled. Oh my god! They are here!

"Yes!" I held the guy's collar. I was surprised by my action. Lol, fangirl mode on.

"I'm sorry, but they just left a couple of minutes ago. You missed them." He stated. Did I just hear that? No!!!!

"Do you know where they went?" I asked.

"I'm sorry, but we are not allowed to give any information specially about celebrities."

"So you know where they went!" I shouted. Manu grabbed my shoulder to calm me. I'm so desperate right now. I need to know where they went.

The guy called for security so we were left with no choice, but to go outside. They are so annoying! I want to meet them!

Manu patted me on the back. "Don't worry, KJ. We have all day. Besides, it's too early. I'm sure we'll find them." I tried my best to smile. He was right.

I checked my phone for updates of my fellow fangirls. Okay, Niall posted a photo of them at Forever 21. Wait, what are they doing there?! I shook my head and told Manu our next destination.

We arrived at Forever 21. Well, far from Forever 21. As expected, there are so many people here. I asked a girl who's being hysterical right now. I guess a fan, too.

"Hey, are they still here?" I asked.

"Yes, but I think they can't go out because of these people. Oh my gosh! I'm going to meet them!" She shouted. Oh my god, I badly wanted to meet them, too.

I ran towards a pool of people. They're suffocating me, but I don't care. I need to see them. I heard Manu call my name. I can't look back because of these people. Besides, I'm near to the store.

To my surprise, securities lined up in front of the store. Wait, are they going out? Oh my gosh, this is it! I will see them in person! People started screaming and some were singing One Direction songs.

After a couple of minutes, I saw a blonde hair outside the door. Niall?! Oh my god! I freaked out causing the security guard to hit me unintentionally in the face. I stumbled on the ground. Ugh. This is too embarrassing.

"Are you okay?" A thick accent startled me. I looked up and my body froze for a second when I saw a pair of green eyes staring at me.

I nodded and he helped me stand up. Oh my god! He touched me! He freaking touched me! I can't utter a single word. I'm too happy and shocked.

The rest of the boys walked towards us. I'm so emotional right now! Speak, Kirby! This is your moment!

"H-Harry..." I started to speak, but people started pushing us. The security pushed me away. Ouch! That hurt!

The boys made their way to their car. Ugh! That was it! I was there! Stupid people. That was so close!

People knocked on the window of their car so they had no choice, but to leave. My boys...

People were squealing. Yeah, right.

I saw Manu ran towards me with a worried expression.

"Are you okay?" He asked me.

"Yes! Harry touched my hand and helped me earlier! He freakin talked to me! Manu! Ouch!" I didn't notice that I had a bruise on my elbow. I was too numb earlier to even feel anything.

"We need to clean your bruise. Let's go." He handed me his extra helmet. I protested.

"No... I need to find them, Manu. You said we have all day. Today's my chance and probably my only chance. What happened earlier was so close. I just need to talk to them without these people. If I don't get to meet them one last time, my head will explode." I pleaded. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. I need to grab it.

"Okay, Kirby. But first, can we have lunch? All these happening's making me hungry. And besides, it's past 12:00. Imagine the time we consumed." I nodded. He was right.

We went to McDonalds and ate lunch. I took the chance to thank Manu for helping me.

"Thanks by the way for being with me today. I know this is not your thing and you have a lot of things to do. Thanks for joining me in this chaos." I chuckled.

"You're welcome, Kirby. Of course I will help you. You're my friend and you kept me company while I'm here. It's the least I can do." He said with sincerity.

After we ate, I got an info saying that One Direction is currently shopping in an Adidas store. We hurriedly went to where they were. When we arrived, the place was quiet. They're not here! No one's here. I went to the store and scanned for them. Everything's normal here. No screaming, no fangirls. I faced Manu.

"They're not here." I frowned.

"It's okay, KJ. Since we're here, can we buy something for ourselves?" He smiled. I didn't have a choice, though. He was my only ride. I watched as he looked for some caps. I didn't look anything for me. My thoughts were too pre-occupied.

I checked my phone and tweeted:

I saw my husbands earlier! Harry touched my hand. Oh my goodness, so much feels. 😭😭 @OneDirection

Yeah, what happened earlier was unbelievable.

"Kirby?" Manu called me. I looked at him.

"Let's go? Do you know where they are now?" He asked me.

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