Final Chapter

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"Thank you so much for your time, Mr. President." I said.

I just finished my interview with the president of the Philippines. It was indeed terrifying. I was so nervous, but thank goodness I survived.

"Visit the Philippines anytime you want." The president said.

I chuckled. "Yes, po." The president knows that I'm a half Filipino.

After my interview, I went to the airport. I have another interview to catch in London.

While I was waiting in the airport, I prepared for my questions.

Okay, Kirby. You can do this interview. You can do it, okay?

"Oh my gosh! Manu Rios posted another picture! He's so hot!"

I was taken away from my mantra. I looked at the girls behind me. They were squealing their life out.

"Does he have a girlfriend?"


"What? But he said he made a song for a girl. I know he's in a relationship. He doesn't entertain any girl celebrities."

"I think he's already engaged."

My eyes widened. I turned around and sat properly. I opened my book and started reading. I need to get my mind off of him.

"Yes! I think he's engaged. His last tweet clearly means that he's settling down. But with whom?! He's so secretive."

"I agree, girl. But I'm sure it's Rhea."

"Rhea Madrigal? That Filipino model?"

"Yes! Don't you remember? Manu was seen here in the Philippines two years ago. I have a theory that Manu goes here because of Rhea. They are friends, but we aren't really sure of that. Like what Ashley said, Manu is secretive."

Rhea Madrigal? I remember her. I interviewed her last year. I didn't know she was friends with Manu. All I know is that she was blushing the whole time when I asked her if she was in a relationship.

Oh, shoot.

Maybe they are in a relationship!

My thoughts were cut off when my flight was called. I stood up and fixed my—

"No way!" Someone shouted. "It's Kirby!"

I looked behind me. The girls who were gushing about Manu were looking at me as if I was a celebrity. Wait, I'm not a celebrity.

They walked towards me.

"You're Kirby Campbell, right?"

"Yes, why?" I asked.

"You're Manu's ex, right?"

I chuckled. "Yeah."

"What are you doing here in the Philippines?"

"Well, I had an interview. Umm... I would love to chitchat with you, but I have a flight to catch. It was nice meeting you though." I said.

"Aww, too bad. Can we at least have a picture with you?"

"Really?" I chuckled.

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