Chapter 2

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I was surprised when I went out of our house because I wasn't aware it was already dark.

"So glad you can finally breathe fresh air, Kirby." My mom smiled.

"I'm always breathing fresh air, mom. We breathe in the same air." I said, not looking at her.

"Okay, hon. Are you excited?" She asked while walking towards the door to lock it.

"Mom, stop treating me as if I'm a sick person who doesn't have a social life."

"Kirby, you don't have a social life." My sister interrupted.

Ugh, this girl! I'll make her taste her own medicine later.

"Okay, that's enough." My dad said. "C'mon, we should get going already or we'll miss the show." We followed him inside the car. Dad started the engine.

"What show, dad?" I asked while setting up my earphones.

Rule No. 1: Always make sure you have your earphones with you incase of emergency and awkward situations.

"Some dude's going to perform."

"And you'll watch it?" I questioned him.

"No, but maybe you guys would since it's a boy and we know teenagers." He laughed.

I didn't respond to what my dad said. Instead, I started humming to One Direction's song.

But if you like causing trouble
Up in hotel rooms
And if you like having secret
Little rendezvous

What is it like to be in a hotel room? I haven't been there.

I shrugged and opened my Twitter.

Is this for real?! This freakin' gorgeous Manu guy just retweeted my tweet!

"Kirby, are you okay back there?" Mom looked back to and asked me.

"Yeah, everything's fine." I said with no emotion.

Don't you dare combust in front of your family, Kirby.

I looked at my tweet again.

Why did he retweet this?! It's just a quote. But how did he know my account?

Oh yeah... I sent him many tweets earlier. He must've felt intrigued by my weirdness and started checking my account.


"You're weird." My sister blurted out and continued reading whatever book it was she was holding. I tilted my head to see what she was reading and to my surprise, it was a book about how to end corruption.

Seriously? What are you? An adult?

"What? Don't give me that weird look, Kirbaby. I love this book and I don't want to be ignorant with what's happening in our country." She smiled innocently and started reading again.

This kid really gives me chills. She's so different than me. Well, she acts different than kids her age.

Finally, after a long drive, we have finally arrived. I looked outside.

Well, not bad.

They hurriedly went out of the car, leaving me behind.

I scanned my environment. I don't usually go to places like this. It's so crowded and you know what happens in crowded places. I looked at the direction my parents went and...

Inconceivable Us (Manu Rios Fan Fiction) (REVISING)Where stories live. Discover now