Chapter 34

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"Good morning, ma'am. I'm sorry I'm late." I apologized. Mrs. Green nodded and gestured me to sit. I quickly went to my chair and sat.

Seriously, I thought I was going to sleep after what happened yesternight. It took me ages for my mind to be at peace. I did everything I could to sleep, but I failed. My mind is too wide awake and my heart couldn't stop beating fast. Geez, Manu.

"Are you okay?" I was surprised when someone asked me from behind. I looked back and saw Chelsea with a worried look on her face. "You seem stressed." She added.

"I'm okay." I lied. Yeah, right. I'm far from okay. I'm really sleepy right now and Mathematics isn't helping.

When the bell finally rang, I hurriedly ran my way to the bathroom. I need to say awake! I turned on the faucet and splashed my face with water. I was startled when I felt the cold water on my face. I forgot about the cold weather today. I even forgot to bring my sweater. When I was finally awake, I went out of the bathroom and went to the cafeteria.

"Thank you." I said when my tray was finally filled with food. I went to a vacant table and placed my tray. I'm so hungry. Because I was really late, I skipped breakfast.

"Hey!" A voice startled me. I dropped my spoon and looked at the person who spoke. "Are you okay?" He asked while holding back a laugh.

"Geez, Sandro. You'll give me a heart attack." I said while caressing my chest where my heart is located.

"Sorry." He said while chuckling. "Well, I didn't sleep well because of what you said." He said and took a bite of my apple.

"Hey, that's mine!" I protested. Sandro stuck his tongue at me and took a bite again. Ugh, I'm too sleepy to argue with him. I just want to lay in my bed and hug my hotdog pillow. Yeah, everyone needs a hotdog pillow.

"Dude, cut off your daydreams." Sandro said. I glared at him and took a bite on my sandwich. After a minute, he continued. "Seriously, what is wrong with you?"

"I didn't sleep well last night. Nope, I haven't had sleep the whole night." I said and let out a frustrated sound.

"Why?" Sandro asked and took a sip of my juice. Seriously, he is taking advantage of the situation!

"Manu and I talked." I said.

"Okay? What's the connection with you not sleeping?" He asked.

"It wasn't a simple talk, you know. I don't know. My heart was beating fast last night and I can't get him off my mind. I can't sleep and—"

"Because you're in love." Sandro cut me off. I stopped talking and looked at him.

"I know that." I said, awkwardly. "Now I feel like my mind is somewhere else. I couldn't listen to my classes. I'm just..."

"You're just what?" He asked.

"I'm not used to this." I said. "I've never felt anything like this before. I mean, this is too big for me." I explained.

Sandro laughed. "You're overreacting." He said. "Everyone has their first night without sleep because they're too in love." He said and chuckled.

"Whatever." I snorted. I was about to say something, but I noticed a very disgraceful scenario. I looked down at my tray and saw that my food was gone. I looked at Sandro. He made a 'peace' sign and chuckled. "Where's my food?!" I asked.

"I was hungry!" He pouted.

"Whatever, buy me food." I ordered him. Sandro had no choice, but to obey me. Wow, never thought I could tame him. Haha.

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