Chapter 11

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Baby Manu on the multimedia! 💙

Here's Chapter 11!

After he bid his goodbye, I went straight to bed with a happy mood.

"Kirby!" Samantha shouted. I totally forgot that she's here alone.

"Yes?" I answered. She went to my spot on the bed and sat beside me.

"Nothing." Okay? She called me for nothing?

"What is it?" I asked again. I'm curious right now.

"I saw you and that dude earlier." She blurted out. I looked at her with curiosity.


"Do you like him?" She asked. I laughed. Seriously, Sam?

"You're asking nonsense, Samantha." I laughed at her and shook my head. She stood up and closed the door. Seconds later, she opened it again and said something.

"I know you don't like him. I just want to say that you and Manu would look cute together." I looked at her and she's smiling wickedly. Ugh, this girl! I threw a pillow at her, which made her laugh hard.

Whatever. I don't like Manu like that. I checked my Twitter for some message. Shoot. Manu messaged me earlier.

I typed my reply.

Hey! Sorry I was busy.

I don't know if he's online. I don't even know their time zone in Madrid.

I checked my watch. It's 6:00 p.m. The clock's ticking so fast. I went downstairs because I'm going to cook for our dinner. Mom and Dad are not home yet. I saw Sam watching National Geographic Channel. See? She's one creepy kid.

"Do you know when Mom and Dad are going home?" I asked her.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. They won't be going home tonight, maybe tomorrow. We won't be sleeping here."


"Remember the dude I was with earlier?" She asked me. "His mom is mom's workmate." She said.

"Really?" Wow, I know nothing about that.

"Yeah, and Drake's older brother will be arriving to fetch us. So don't cook food, we'll eat there!" She beamed. "You ready?" She asked again.

"Why do I need to be ready?" I asked her, curiously.

"Oh, c'mon Kirby! This is so exciting!" She clapped her hands. I was about to say something, but we were startled by a car's horn.

"Oh, Gavin's here!" She shouted and ran towards the door.

What did she just say? I ran towards her to ask what she said, but I was shocked to see the guy in front of me.

"GAVIN?!" I shouted. "What are you doing here?!" He smiled at me.

"I'm here to fetch you and your sister." He chuckled.

"But... I—" I could not find the words to say. I'm so confused right now. Did he just go home to get his car and drive back to our house to fetch us?

"Obviously, he is Drake's brother." Samantha rolled her eyes. I'm so shocked right now. Wow, what a small world!

"She's okay, Gavin. That's her normal face." Samantha said, casually. She's so irritating. Gavin let out a laugh.

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