Chapter 58

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"Happy birthday, Kirby! You're old."

I laughed and rolled my eyes. "That means you're getting older, too."

We all laughed. Kuya's really full of himself.

I smiled, unconsciously while looking at my brother, Marry Anne, and baby Nathan. I can't believe I'm spending my birthday with these people. I'm blessed.

"Awe, Kirby is getting emotional." Mary Anne said.

I chuckled.

They walked towards me and enveloped me a hug.

"Thank you, guys. You made my day." I said.

"We love you, tita." Nathan said.

My heart melted. Nathan's being a cutie right now.

"Are you ready for your celebration later?" Kuya asked.

"I can't wait for it." I said. "Bye, guys."

I went to school with a smile plastered on my face.

"Ariana!" I shouted.

Ariana looked at me and waved her hand. I ran towards her.

"You're happy." She said.

"I am." I chuckled. "I was wondering if you want to come to my brother's house later." I said.


"It's my birthday." My smile grew wider. Yep, birthdays are great deal to me.

"Oh my gosh! Happy birthday, Kirby." Ariana hugged me.

I chuckled. "Thank you."

"And I'll definitely come, thanks."

I nodded.

It was lunch time when I saw Jenny. There she was eating as expected.

I smiled and walked towards her.

"Hey." I said.

She looked at me. She wasn't smiling at all.

"Are you okay?" I sat beside Jenny.

She was just looking at me. I don't know what to do.


I almost lost my balance when she stood up and shouted. Damn, this girl is crazy.

"You're making a scene." I laughed.

People are watching, but Jenny doesn't care. Yep, Jenny's the boss.

Jenny sat again. I smiled and hugged her.

"Thanks, Jenny." I said. "You're going to my celebration, right?"

"Of course." She rolled her eyes which made me chuckle. "We're best friends, remember?" She added.

Best friends...

Wow, that's new to me. I haven't had any best friends before. Well, I have close friends and I haven't thought of them as my best friends. We're just friends, but they're special to me. Okay, I'm getting confused.

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