Chapter 38

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Some information I used are not mine. Instead, I searched it on the Internet. The photos also are not mine. Credits to google for the pictures and infos.

"Kirby! Get up! We need to go!"

I groaned when I heard Samantha's annoying voice. Ugh, I'm still sleepy. I shove her away and tried to sleep, but she didn't give up. Samantha shouted more and jumped on the bed.

"Stop jumping! This isn't our bed." I managed to say.

"Then get up, lazy pants." She said and started jumping again.

"Okay, okay! Just stop what you're doing, please. It's annoying." I said with frustration.

"Okay." She said with her sweetest voice and walked out of the room. After a second, Samantha opened the door. "Get dressed already. We have a big day today!" She said with excitement in her tone.

Oh my god! She's right! I hurriedly went to the bathroom and took a quick shower. How could I forget?!

After I showered and fixed myself, I went downstairs. I saw my mom and dad eating breakfast.

"Where are Manu's parents?" I asked and scratched my head.

"They already went to their work, hon. They wanted to join with us for breakfast, but they said their work starts early." Dad explained. I nodded and went to the dining table.

After a minute, I saw Josemy walking his way downstairs. I smiled at him when he saw me.

"Hey, join us for breakfast." I suggested. Thankfully, he nodded and went to our direction.

"Where's Manu?" I asked.

"He's still in the shower. You know, Kirby, Manu takes the longest showers." He said and laughed.

"Seriously?" I asked with disbelief in my tone. I chuckled when Josemy looked at me and laughed.

"I heard you talking about me, bro."

My eyes widened when I saw Manu walking towards us. Josemy chuckled and patted Manu's shoulder.

"I'm just telling a fact." He replied and sat down. Manu smiled at us and sat beside me.

After we ate our breakfast, we prepared for our big day. Geez, I'm more than excited than what I expected.

When we were all finished, we went to the car and dad drove our way to our destination.

"Where do you guys want to go?" Manu asked while scrolling through his phone.

I looked at him. "W-we don't know. We don't live here." I replied and chuckled.

"Oh, sorry." Manu said and laughed. "Well, we have a lot of museums and churches here. Okay, let us first go to Museo del Prado." He said with his Spanish accent. God, he sounded amazing. I wish I could imitate his accent.

We all agreed since we don't know the tourist spots in Madrid. Manu gave my dad directions and off we go.

After the long ride, we finally arrived! We stepped outside the car and looked at the museum in front of us. Wow, it's amazing. I haven't been in a museum before and I must say, I am impressed.

"Wow." Samantha mumbled. I smiled and looked at her. Yes, sister, wow.

 Yes, sister, wow

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