Chapter 25

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After Manu left, I closed the door and locked it. When I was about to go upstairs, someone spoke from the kitchen.

"Manu, huh?" I looked at the person talking. I felt my knees weaken.

"H-Hannah..." Was all I said. She walked towards me me while drinking a glass of water. She's about to cry.

"I'm so disappointed, Kirby." She said with anger in her voice. I stepped back and looked down.

"I'm sorry, Hannah. I—"

"You like him! But you knew that I'm in love with him, right? Traitor!" I was surprised when she slapped me. I fought back my tears and tried to defend myself, but I know I couldn't. She's right. I'm not a good friend. I'm a traitor; a backstabber. "How could you?! You're my friend for goodness sake." She yelled. I couldn't say anything. I cried my heart out. I can't believe my worst nightmare is happening now.

"Hannah, I'm s-sorry." I tried to touch for her, but she shove my hand away. "Please. I'm sorry." I cried.

"No! Get out of my house! I hate you!" She shouted and went upstairs. I was left crying. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry.

"Sorry..." I woke up with a very wet pillow. I looked at the window. It's morning already. My head hurts so bad.

I suddenly remembered what I dreamt of. That was a possible worst case scenario, Kirby! I thought it was all real. I'm so doomed if that was real.

I checked my phone and looked at the time. Holy ruffles! I'm late! I hurriedly got up from bed and took a shower. After a minute, I went downstairs because Gavin called us. Great, I haven't eaten my breakfast yet. Save it for later.

We arrived at school. As expected, everyone was talking about The Maine's concert. I am so jealous. But hey, I met them personally. Hehe. I looked at Gavin as we walked our way to our class.

"How did you know Manu was there?" I tried to bring up a conversation.

"I know he will find a way to see you." He smiled and went to his class.

I went to my classroom and apologized for being late. Thank goodness Mrs. Sparks is so good to me. Lol, taking advantage, eh? I sat on my seat and opened my book. After an hour, I went out of my classroom. Math, my next class. Insert dying sound. Haha, just kidding.

I saw Chelsea talking to someone. When she saw me, she smiled and waved. I smiled in return. I opened my locker and grabbed my—

"Hi." Chelsea greeted me. I looked at her and smiled.

"Hi." I said in return. This is awkward. I am making friends. Yahoo!

"Can I walk with you to our next class?" She asked. What? We're classmates in my next class?

"Our?" I asked, innocently.

"Yeah." She laughed. "You didn't know?"

I shook my head, which earned a laugh from her.

"Sorry."  I chuckled. "Let's go?" I said. We walked our way to OUR next class.

"Hey." I sat beside Gavin. He's looking intently at his phone. I tried to snatch it, but he's reflexes were fast. "Let me see." I pleaded. He looked at me and stuck his tongue out.

"I don't want to. You'll just get jealous. Wait, I will show it to you because I get satisfied when I bully you." He forced me to look at his phone. Ugh, it was pictures from the concert of The Maine.

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