Chapter 41

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Days passed since that night. I've never felt so happy in my entire life. Even Greg welcomed me to his family. Ugh, I never thought I would be so much happy here in Madrid. I thought it was just a simple vacation, but, no. If you're with Manu, nothing is simple. Haha.

"So, where are we going?"

I asked Manu while we were walking. We're going home—except Manu, later. It kind of suck because I'm already attached to this place—to him.

He looked at me and smiled. He held my hand and led me to where he wants us to go. I didn't protest though. I don't want to be lost.

He stopped walking. "Real Basilica de San Francisco el Grande."

"Wow, that's a very long name for a church." I chuckled.

"Yeah." He smiled. "Let's go inside."

When we went inside. I was mesmerized by the things I was seeing. I looked at the ceiling and gasped.

"Wow! This place is so beautiful!" I shouted, earning stares from people

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"Wow! This place is so beautiful!" I shouted, earning stares from people.

Manu laughed and spoke Spanish to the people who were staring at us—especially to me.

We sat on the bench. Manu closed his eyes and prayed. Wait, will I do the same, too? Okay, go.

I closed my eyes without thinking of anything. I know I am not that religious. I'm too lazy to go to church every Sunday. But, I don't want to change and go to church just because my boyfriend is religious.

Lol, boyfriend.

I mean, I want the change to begin in me, not because I need to because of Manu.

I opened my eyes and looked at Manu.

"What did you pray for?" I asked.

"First, I thanked God for you and your family. Second, I asked God a little favor." He laughed. "I hope that when they find out, we'll still be good and we will fight."

I smiled and hugged him. I know a big problem is ahead of us, but I don't care. I don't care anymore. Not to brag, but I considered their feelings for a very long time. I guess it's now time for me to consider my feelings.

But I still don't know if I can take it if Hannah finds out.

"Yeah." I tried to laugh.

After that, Manu and I went home. It's already evening when we arrived. I went to the guest room and prepared my things.

I sat and looked down. Tomorrow, we'll be leaving this place. I will be facing the real world again. School, friends, and Hannah.

Inconceivable Us (Manu Rios Fan Fiction) (REVISING)Where stories live. Discover now