Chapter 30

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Before anything else, I would like to say thank you for reading this story. Yay, 2K reads! Thank you. :)

Here's Chapter 30!

"Are you okay?" I asked Gavin. We're currently on our way to the hospital.

"I'm okay, Kirby." Gavin chuckled. "You don't need to worry." He smiled.

When we arrived, we went to Gavin's Doctor. Yep, they have a family doctor. Perks of being wealthy. We went inside the room. Gavin sat and all I did was hold his shoulder while standing up. I was surprised when he held my hand. Gavin looked at me and smiled.

"For support." He murmured. I smiled and nodded. There's nothing wrong with it, anyway.

"So...have you been drinking alcoholic drinks lately?" Gavin's doctor asked. We looked at Gavin and waited for his answer.

"No. When I knew about my disease, I stopped." He said. Yes, Gavin does drink.

"Okay, do you smoke?" The doctor asked.

Gavin hesitantly looked at Mrs. Jordan and looked down. Oh, Gavin.

"It was unintentional." He said, softly. I held his shoulders tight. I can't believe he smoke. I mean, I've never seen him smoke before.

"What do you mean?" Mrs. Jordan asked.

"I-I've been through a lot lately, mom. I'm sorry." Gavin said.

He's been through a lot. Was it because of me? Oh, no.

"Gavin." Mrs. Jordan stood up and hugged Gavin.

After a minute, the doctor spoke. "Okay, don't worry. We will do our very best to fight this, okay? You're going under chemotherapy and we will kill those cancer cells." The doctor informed. Gavin nodded in return. This is hard for him, I know. The doctor read something in his portfolio and spoke. "So far, no new cancer cells. We need to get you admitted as soon as possible."

"What about school? I mean, I am a senior and my team needs me." Gavin protested.

"Your body needs you more, Gavin. This is just going to be temporary, I promise." Gavin's doctor said. We all nodded in return. I know he's right. Gavin needs to focus on his disease. School can wait. I mean, health is wealth, right?

"Are we going to confine him now?" Mrs. Jordan asked.

"Yes." The doctor said. Mrs. Jordan nodded and looked at me. I gave her a sad smile. Ugh, I'm so useless right now. The doctor spoke again. "Okay, you just have to wait outside and we will call you if everything is set up."

We went outside the room and sat on the bench. Mrs. Jordan excused herself. I believe she's going to use the loo. When she was nowhere in sight, I looked at Gavin.

"What?" He chuckled. I shook my head in return.

"I'm sorry." I said.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because of all these happened because of me." I said and looked down. Gavin held my chin and chuckled.

"This is not your fault, okay? Like what I've said before, I chose this. I let depression overcome me. But we will fight this, okay?" He said. I nodded and hugged him. Gavin caressed my hair.

"Yes, we will." I said.


"Are you okay?" Sandro asked. After Gavin was settled in his hospital room, he suggested for me to go to my classes. So, here I am now. I just finished my other class.

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