Chapter 16

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I miss Manu...

The moment I opened my eyes this morning, I blurted those words. I'm so crazy. I—

"You're spacing out." Gavin said. Oh, I forgot I was with him. He's looking at me with a weird expression.

"I'm okay." I said and resumed to my meal. I forgot about my food, too. That's very unusual of me.

"Are you really okay?" He asked again. I gave him a death glare. He cleared his throat and ate. "You miss Manu." He blurted out of the blue. I was startled by his causing my iced tea to flow in the wrong pipe of my throat. Gavin hurriedly stood up to help me. God, I'm choking the life out of me. "Are you okay?" Gavin asked for the 3rd time while caressing my back. I gave him an 'okay' sign with my hand.

After what seemed like forever, he sat opposite to me and handed his tissue. I said thanks afterwards. Gavin looked at his watch and frowned.

"I have to go, Kirby. See you later, okay?" He smiled and ruffled my head. I stuck my tongue at him like a kid.

I went to my locker to get my book. I walked my way to my next class which is English, my favorite. I walked past Mr. Fernandez's office. I was intrigued after I heard some shouting. I looked at his window and saw the jerk. They're fighting! What's he doing here? I mean, he doesn't study here. I was startled when Mr. Fernandez's door suddenly opened, revealing the jerk. He looked at me and he's eyes went big. I guess he's shocked to see me, too. The feeling's mutual, jerk.

"What are you doing here?" He asked with an annoyed face.

"Whatever." I'm done with his attitude. I turned around and walked away, but was stopped when he grabbed my arm.

"Don't you dare turn your back on me!" He yelled. I looked at the students. He is making a scene.

"Will you please let me go? People are watching us." I whispered.

"I don't care!" I heard him curse.

"What do you want?!" I yelled. He's so irritating.

"Hey! What's happening there?" I was startled to hear Mr. Fernandez from his window.

I wasn't able to say something because this jerk dragged me. Yes, dragged, literally.

We went outside school. He grabbed a cigarrette from his pocket and lit it. I just looked at him while doing it. He really wants to die young, huh?

"What is wrong with you? You could've just let me go. You dragged me into so much trouble—"

Oh no, he didn't!

"You're too loud. That'll shut you up." He smirked.

I can feel my eyes water up. No...

I slapped his face very hard. I can't believe he did that. It was so sacred to me. He just stole my first kiss. It's not 'nothing' to me. It's a big deal. A very big deal. I feel molested, seriously.

"You're crying?" He looked at me. I dried my face with my hanky. I couldn't look at him. He is a jerk. "You're overreacting." He laughed.

Now, he crossed his line. "Overreacting?! It was my first kiss. How dare you kiss me?! You can't act all almighty, okay?! We are not friends and I did my job. I pretended to be your girlfriend! Can you please stay away from me? You are a jerk. You know what, I don't blame people for leaving you. I feel sorry for them because they met someone like you." I yelled at him and walked away. I hate him. I hate him so much.

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