Chapter 18

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"Glad you're home, Kirby." Mom greeted me as soon as I opened the door. I'm so hungry and I smell so bad. I saw my family eating breakfast. I excused myself and went upstairs.

After I showered, I went downstairs to have my breakfast. Mom was nowhere to be found. I bet they left already. I found a note on the refrigerator.

Eat your breakfast, honey. We're sorry we had to go. We're going to be late. We'll make it up to you, okay? Love you.

Mom, Dad, and Sam x

I ate alone and prepared for school. I am late already and I don't know what to do here. I usually surf the net, but I don't feel like doing it today. Wow, I'm changing. Anyway...

I went outside for some fresh air. I wonder if Manu is already at the hotel he's permanently staying. I'm really bored right now. I opened my phone and texted him.

Hey, are you busy?

Minutes after, he replied.

Not really. I'm editing stuff. You coming?

I said yes and went to get a cab. He texted me the address and I smiled so hard. It's still the hotel where I first met One Direction. It brings so much feels.

Once I arrived, I went to the elevator and pressed the number of his floor. I looked for his door number and knocked on it. He opened it afterwards. He greeted me with a smile.

"Hey." He said. "Come in." I said 'thanks' and went to his room.

"I can't believe this is still the room where I met One Direction." I laughed.

"Yep, I was glad to know that this room was still available the time I asked for reservations." He said and gave me a drink.

"Thank you. Wait, why aren't you living with Sandro and your uncle? It can lessen your expenses, you know." I suggested.

"Nah, I don't want to be a burden. Plus, they are always fighting. I don't want to hear it. And besides, Sandro is always staying here because he hates his dad. Still the same." He explained while looking at his laptop.

"Sandro is always here? You guys are really close, huh?" I said. He nodded and smiled.

"I'm the only one he tells his problems to. He is my cousin and I want to help him." He stood up and checked his phone. "Oh, Sandro's on his way here." He casually said, which resulted for my drink to spill.

"Oh my god, I'm sorry." I tried to dry the chair with my hanky, but he stopped me.

"It's okay. Wait, I'm going to grab a towel." He excused himself and went to the kitchen.

Manu was still out of sight when I heard a knock on the door. Wait, should I open it? What if it's a burglar. Wait, there aren't burglars in hotels, right? I shrugged and opened the door. I saw a tall figure with a cold expression.

"What are you doing here?" He asked. Wow, so much feels, Sandro.

"Nice to see you, too." I said, sarcastically.

"Sandro! You're here. Come inside." Manu smiled. Sandro just nodded. He is so full of emotions, I'm jealous. Psh.

I let him in and I helped Manu clean my mess. I am so clumsy. I went to the kitchen to wash the towel. When I went back, I heard Sandro saying stuff about me.

"Yeah, Kirby is pretty clumsy. I mean, clumsy. Not pretty."

"Ehem. Talking behind my back?" I crossed my arms at him. He just snorted.

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