Chapter 44

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I didn't tell Manu that Colton texted me that night. I don't even know why I hid it from him. I just feel like if I tell him, something bad will happen.
And I don't want that.

"Are you okay?"

Oh, wait, I forgot I am with Chelsea.

"Sorry, what were you talking about?" I asked.

Chelsea chuckled. "I haven't spoken for I think a minute now."

"Oh." I laughed.

"You're distracted. Is everything okay?" She asked while looking down at Gavin's tombstone.

I almost forgot that we're in the cemetery right now.

I sighed and told Chelsea about Colton texting me.

"Oh my goodness! Then you should not talk to him." She said.

"I know. I didn't reply to his message, but he always texts me. He even tries to talk to me at school, but I always ignore him. And worse, people are noticing. I mean, he is a snob, right?"

"Maybe he likes you."

"Or maybe he knows that Manu's my boyfriend and he wants to take revenge. We don't know what's going to happen. Manu said that he's unreadable. I guess I just really need to keep myself away from him."

"Yes." She said. "But seriously, maybe he likes you. He even complimented you about your voice! Oh my god, you really are something, Kirby!" She giggled.

"Chelsea." I said.

"Sorry." She laughed. "But if you don't like him, I will make my move." She stuck her tongue.

I laughed. "How could you say that in front of Gavin?" I laughed.

"Well, he didn't like me, so," she laughed. "I'm just kidding, Gavin." She caressed Gavin's tombstone.

I looked at my watch and it says 5:30 pm. I didn't notice that it's getting dark.

After an hour of chitchatting, Chelsea and I finally decided to go home. We went to different directions since her house is far from mine.

When I arrived, I saw a tall figure on our front door. I blinked twice to see who it was. I walked nearer and when the person was clear to me, I smiled.

"Manu!" I ran towards him.

"I missed you." He whispered while hugging me.

"I missed you more." I answered.

He broke our hug and touched my face.

"How are you?" He asked.

"I've been great. Chelsea and I visited Gavin."

"That's good." He smiled.

"Why are you here? You're supposed to be on your tour, right?"

"Yes." He said. "And my tour is in your country."

"Wow! That's amazing! Can I come to your show?"

"Of course! You're my very important person." He laughed and hugged me.

We went inside and saw mom and dad. We ate dinner and talked about stuff. After we ate, Manu said that he isn't staying tonight. I was a bit upset though. I mean, he just got here. I want to talk to him about random stuff.

"Don't be sad." He said as he cupped my face.

I smiled, sadly and held his hand. "I'm not." I lied.

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