Chapter 48

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"When are you going to tell him?"

I looked at Sandro for a second.

"I don't know." I said.

Our conversation stopped when we heard Sofia's voice.

"Oh, there you are." She squealed. Sofia wrapped her arms around Sandro's and giggled.

"Why?" Sandro asked and tried to loosen from Sofia's grip.

I laughed, mentally. Sofia really likes Sandro.

"Well, I just wanted to ask you if you're free tomorrow."

"In the afternoon, yes. Why?"

Sofia's eyes twinkled.

"I want you to meet my parents." She said.

Sandro looked at me with wide eyes. I can't believe I'm hearing their conversation. I need to get out of here.

"I think Chelsea is looking for me." I said.

I looked at Sandro and smiled. Wow, thank goodness I'm out of there.

I went to the practice room and saw Chelsea. We don't have classes today since it's Saturday. We're just practicing for our upcoming performance on Lara's birthday—Sandro's friend.

"Hey." She said. "Are we going to resume our practice now?" She asked.

"Not yet." I said and sat beside her. "I can't believe we're actually taking this band thingy seriously."

Chelsea chuckled. "Honestly, never in my wildest dreams did I imagine myself singing in front of people."

"Really? But I saw you singing in every school activity."

"I had to." She smiled.

"What do you mean?"

"I wanted to be be noticed by one person." She chuckled.


She nodded. I smiled, sadly and patted her shoulder.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Of course." Chelsea looked at me. "I miss, Gavin." She faked a chuckle.

"Me, too." I held her hand and smiled.

"Kirby, I want to tell you something."

"What is it?"

"I don't know how and when this feeling started, but...ugh, I know this isn't a good idea and—"

"Just go straight to the point. You're making nervous." I laughed.

Chelsea chuckled and took a deep breath.

"I just don't understand why Sofia is always acting so clingy with Sandro whenever he's around. Are they dating?"

My eyes went big for a second then I flashed a teasing smile.

"Wait, what's with that look?" She asked me.

I tried not to smile, but, geez, it's so hard.

"Please tell me honestly, okay?" I laughed. "Do you like Sandro? Because you sounded like you're jealous."

"W-what?!" Chelsea was shocked causing her to fall in her seat.

I laughed and helped her.

Inconceivable Us (Manu Rios Fan Fiction) (REVISING)Where stories live. Discover now