Chapter 37

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Edited picture above is by yours truly.

Chapter 37! Enjoy. :)

"Welcome to Madrid, Kj."

I found myself smiling when I heard Manu say those words. It was like a bell, ringing in my ears. Finally, I'm in Madrid! Though I want my first out of country vacation to be in London, I definitely am thankful that this is my first out of the country experience. I mean, who doesn't love Spain?!

"Are you okay?" Manu asked from behind. I bit my lips and hid my excitement to myself. I wouldn't want to make a scene, would I? Haha.

"Wow, I'm loving this place already." I said. But seriously, what I feel about this place is beyond the expression I'm showing them right now.

We went to the airport and waited for our baggages. I only brought with me my shoulder bag since I have my important things here. After we got our luggages, Manu said that his parents are here to welcome us. As expected, I was shocked.

"What?!" I shouted causing Spanish people to look at me. I looked down and pretended that nothing happened. Ugh, Kirby.

Manu chuckled and nodded. "Yes, Kj."

"Sweetie is it okay if we stay at Manu's house? I mean, he suggested it and we totally agree with him that it can lessen our expenses. Besides, it's a good thing that we are staying with people from this place." Dad said.

Wait, we are staying at Manu freakin' Rios' house?! Oh my god, I will die young, people, and I mean it.

"W-what? O-okay." Was all I said. I'm really shocked right now and I can't utter a single word. I mean, less than a minute I am meeting Manu's parents and we will be staying in their house for the rest of my holiday vacation. Oh my god, can this trip get any better?!

Wait, what? Enough with your thoughts, Kirby, geez.


Oh my god. My thoughts were cut off when I heard Manu shouted. My heart hammered on my chest and it was like I forgot how to breathe when I saw Manu's gods and goddesses-like parents. Seriously, they're gorgeous!

Manu hugged his parents and kissed his mom's cheek. Awe, they're so cute.

"Mom, these are Mr. and Mrs. Campbell." Manu introduced my parents. They hugged each other and blah blah blah. Haha, sorry.

"This is Samantha." Manu introduced my sister. Samantha smiled and seriously, it was creepy. I mean, she was so nice and—

"This is Kirby."

Uh-oh. I was startled when Manu held my hand in front of my parents. I looked at dad and he didn't seem to mind. Wait, does he know about us?

But there's no us. Okay, my thoughts are contradicting.

"It's so nice to finally meet you." Manu's mom said and enveloped me a hug. I hugged her back and smiled. She's so beautiful. She's like an older version of Taylor Swift because of her blonde hair.

"Welcome to Madrid, Kirby." Manu's dad said. I nodded my head and smiled. Geez, this is embarrassing.

After a minute of introducing, we went outside the airport and walked towards Mr. Rios' car. Wait, that was awkward to say. Hehe.

Manu helped me place my bags behind their car. Thank goodness I didn't bring my entire life in this bag. Haha. It would be a hassle if I did. After putting our luggages, we stepped inside their car. Thank goodness their car is spacious. Manu's dad started the engine and off we go!

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