Chapter 47

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This chapter is dedicated to TroyellaSivanni because her comments made me laugh. Thank you! ❤️

Here's Chapter 47!

Colton stopped texting me after the Battle of the Bands. Not that I want him to text me, but I guess I'm just not used to him not texting me.

"Hey. Are you okay?"

I looked at Chelsea and smiled.

"Yeah." I said.

I saw Colton walking towards my direction. When he saw me, he was shocked. I was about to walk towards him, but he turned his heel and walked away from me.

Okay, what's his problem?

"What was that?" Chelsea asked behind me.

I looked at her and shrugged.

"I have no idea. Let's go?"

Chelsea and I went to the cafeteria. When we saw Aubrey and Sofia, we waved our hands. We looked for a vacant table and placed our bags.

"Hey." We said to each other.

We chuckled and bought food. After, we sat again and chitchatted about random stuff.

"I saw our picture at the bulletin board." Sofia said.

"Really?" Aubrey asked.

"Yes, I was telling you that earlier." She rolled her eyes. "You were busy with your headphones and stuff."

"Music is life." Aubrey said.

I couldn't agree with her more. Haha.

If you're wondering why our picture was posted, well, we won the competition! I couldn't believe it, to be honest. It felt so surreal. I mean, it was our first time. Colton's band was second.

"They want us to perform there."

My thoughts were cut off. "What?" I asked.

"Sandro's friend wants us to perform on her birthday." Chelsea said.

"Really? Wow, when is it?" I asked.

They didn't answer me. Instead, Sofia and Aubrey laughed. I arched a brow. Did I say something funny?

"What?" I asked.

"Well, we weren't expecting your reaction to be like that." Sofia said.

"W-what reaction?" I'm really confused right now.

"Well, Sandro's a bad boy and we all know he's super cute—"

"He's damn gorgeous." Sofia corrected Aubrey. "Okay, we were just surprised that you didn't even hyperventilate a little. I mean, oh my god! Sandro talked to us. Us, two." She said.

I couldn't help, but chuckle. I'm so going to tell Sandro that he has fans. Haha.

"Sandro's my friend." I said.

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