Chapter 15

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I decided to skip school today. I did not tell my parents what happened last night. I can handle this, I guess. Gavin texted me why I'm not going to school. I just reasoned out that I'm not feeling well. Thank goodness he didn't ask another question.

"Are you okay?" Mom asked. We're currently eating our breakfast.

"Yes, mom." I lied. After what happened last night, am I going to be okay?

That guy is so insane. Me? Going to be his girlfriend? No way. That was too much of a favor.

After I finished breakfast, I went to my bedroom and checked my phone. He texted me again! I groaned.

You're not in your class.

So what? He's not the boss of me. I don't even know him. I don't know anything about him. I just know that he's a jerk.

My phone beeped again. What now?

Meet me later at the park. 5:00 pm. Come or else.

See? He's being dominant. We're not even close.

So I ended up meeting him. I checked my watch and it says 8:00 pm. I bet he's not yet there. I walked towards our meeting place.

I saw him with a girl. Yeah, right. They're flirting and I swear I'm pissed right now. Get a room you filthy people! This is a public place, goodness! He saw me and he pushed the girl. Wow, he is such a gentleman. I'm so proud of him. I walked towards him with my arms crossed.

"What now?" I asked with no expression.

"You're late!" He yelled at me. I rolled my eyes. Well, I thought he was going to be late.

"Who is she, babe?" Oh, I forgot about this flirty woman. I scanned her look. She's wearing a skirt—I don't know if it's still considered as a skirt because of how short it is. I bet if she sits, you could see her underwear. She's wearing a short top almost making her breasts visible. My goodness, decency people! And then they will react if people judge them.

"She's no one." He said, coldly. The nerve of this guy. I walked away because after all, I'm no one!

"Hey!" He shouted at me. I didn't look back. I'm going home. He is not worthy of my time, anyway.

"I said, hey." He held my arm. I looked at him with an annoyed face. What is wrong with this guy?

"I'm not going to just stand there and swallow all your insults about me." I said with a serious tone.

"Hey," he pointed at me. "You owe me, remember?"

"So? It doesn't mean you can insult me in front of your... that kind of woman!" I yelled at him.

"Whatever." He snorted.

"You won't at least defend that girl? I insulted her."

"Nope. I don't give a f*** about her." He said. Oh no, he is so scary. What have I gotten myself into?

We went to the other side of the park. I was just following him the whole time. I'm too scared to even utter a word.

"Why are you quiet?" He asked with annoyance in his tone.

"Let's get this over and done with. What do you want?" I want to go home now. I'm sure my parents are worried about me.

"Like I said last night, be my girlfriend."

"So, you were serious about it?" I asked.

"Of course I was. Don't feel flattered. You're not even my type."

Inconceivable Us (Manu Rios Fan Fiction) (REVISING)Where stories live. Discover now