Chapter 53

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I woke up when I heard someone called my name. I looked around the room. No one's here. That's odd.

"Kirby! I'm here!"

I looked at my window and shouted. I thought it was a burglar.

A burglar who knows my name. Great.

"Manu, what are you doing here?" I hurriedly stood up and went to the window.

"Waking you up." He smiled.

"How did you climb up here? You could've get injured or something."

"But I didn't." He smiled again.

"What's with that smile? You're creeping me. Anyway, why are you here? It's..." I looked at the clock on the wall. "It's 2:00 in the morning." I yawned and squinted my eyes.

"I only have one week, remember? C'mon, you'll enjoy this." He held my hand.

"What about my brother? He won't be happy—"

"I already asked permission." He wiggled his brows.

"Are you serious?" I asked. "When did you guys talked?"

"It's none of your business." He stuck his tongue at me.

"Fine." I rolled my eyes. "Meet me downstairs."


"Manu!" I hurriedly held his arms because he just lost his balance.

He laughed and looked at me.

"Why are you laughing?" I asked.

"I didn't know you looked cute when you're disturbed in your sleep." He said.

I felt my face heat up. Great, now I'm blushing.

Manu laughed harder.

"Just go, okay?" I rolled my eyes.

"Fine." He chuckled and finally went down.

When Manu was nowhere in sight, I took a shower. After fixing myself, I went downstairs.

I almost got a heart attack when I saw my brother with Manu.

"Good morning!" Kuya said with a big smile on his face. Seriously, what is with these two?

"Why are you up so early?" I asked while walking towards them.

"I should ask you the same question." He smirked.

Okay, he got me there.

Kuya laughed and sipped on his coffee.

"Manu, how did you wake up my baby sister?" Kuya asked.

"Well," Manu chuckled for a second and then resumed. "She hasn't noticed, I guess, but I was throwing rocks at her."

"Wow! What a brilliant idea." Kuya said. "And when she woke up, did you notice anything odd?"

"Like her face?" Manu asked.

When my brother heard it, he choked. Karma, brother. Karma!

After Kuya overcame karma, he started laughing.

I rolled my eyes and spoke.

"Wow, didn't you guys notice that I was here the whole time?!" I glared at them.

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