Chapter 24

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Day 2.

It's Saturday and I'm still in a coma of what happened yesterday. Though I'm not a book person, I totally loved Gavin's gift. I mean, can you say no to John Green and Lang Leav?

I got up from bed. What to do? I've been up all night because I read Paper Towns. Successfully, I'm done with it! See? I'm becoming a bookworm now. Haha

I checked my watch and it says 3:00 am. It's too early. Should I go back to bed? But I can't. So, I decided to go downstairs. I was frightened when I saw a silhouette visible from the kitchen. Is this a burglar? I quietly walked towards the kitchen. Wait, what am I doing? I might get hurt. Well, curiosity kills the cat. I grabbed a broom as my defense tool. I'm looking like a ninja right now.

I walked towards him. Yes, it's a he. I can't see his face clearly, though. The light's out so—

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I was startled by his voice so I ended up hurting him with the broom. I heard him shout in pain. The lights were turned on and I saw his face. Great, Kirby.

"What is happening here?" Gavin's dad asked. I scratched the back of my head and looked down. Geez, that was embarrassing.

I looked at Gavin. Yep, Gavin.

"I-I'm sorry, Mr. Jordan. I thought there was a burglar." I looked away. I heard him chuckle.

"It's okay, Kirby. At least it's not a true burglar. Thanks for waking us up, though." Mr. Jordan smiled and patted my shoulder. That was it? That was his reaction?

I looked at Gavin. "I'm sorry."

I heard him laugh. "It's okay, but you did ruin my moment with Mrs. Cereal." I laughed and saw a bowl full of cereal.

"Oh my god. I really thought there was a burglar." I laughed. "I mean, you could've turned on the light."

"I don't want anyone to know I'm eating." He scratched the back of his neck. "Anyway, why are you up so early?"

"I just finished reading Paper Towns." I said, proudly.

"You stayed up all night?" He asked with wide eyes. I nodded in return.

"Wow, what a bookworm you are." He said, teasing me. I punched his arm, playfully.

"Whatever." I chuckled.

"Okay, I'm done here. What do you want to do?" He asked.

"Hmm... I don't know. Maybe go back to sleep." I said. He nodded in return.

"Well, me and Sam are going to a concert. You want to come?"

"Concert? In the morning?"

"No." He laughed, "later, 9:00 pm."

"But we have school." I frowned. I don't want to sleep during class hours.

"Too bad." Gavin stated. "It's fine." He smiled at me.

I totally want to come. I haven't been to a concert before so this is going to be amazing. But I can't so...

"Yeah." I looked down. "Who's Sam?" I asked him.

"My best friend." He said.

I was shocked. "Best friend? Why haven't I seen him before?"

"He just got back from Paris." He said.

"Really? Oh, okay." I said.

"You should meet him." He said.

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