Chapter 39

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"Do you think this is needed?"

My thoughts were cut off when Mrs. Fernandez spoke. I looked at her and to the cart full of food for later.

Weeks passed since we went here and I am truly enjoying our stay. Yes, it was kind of hard to adjust, but I did it. And I'm happy because I found new friends.

I nodded and Mrs. Fernandez placed the hotdog on the cart. I looked on the list and helped her grab some corned beef.

"Thank you for helping me, Kirby." She said.

I smiled. "No problem, Mrs. Fernandez." I answered.

She arched a brow and I was taken aback. "Kirby." She laughed. "I told you to call me mom, right?"

"I-I'm sorry." I looked away. "It just feels really awkward."

"It's okay. Can you hand me those cabbages?" She asked.

I looked back to get cabbages. I handed it to her and smiled.

"I'm really sorry, Mrs. Fernandez. I guess I'm just going to stick with calling you Mrs. Fernandez." I said and chuckled.

She smiled sadly. "It's okay, sweetie. I understand." She smiled.

After we finished buying foods that we will need for later, Mrs. Fernandez asked me if I could help her choose gifts for her family.

"Sure." I said.

I can't believe I forgot about buying gifts for them. I looked at my wallet and smiled when I saw enough money to buy gifts.

"What do you think Manu will like?" She asked.

Well, the truth is, I don't really know what he likes. I don't usually ask him about it. Ugh, I suck.

We went to a clothing store and Mrs. Fernandez started to look for possible gifts. While me, I roamed around and looked for my gift for Manu.

Cap? Nah.

Clothes? I bet he has many.

Ugh, what will I give him?

Hours passed and I already bought gifts for all of them except for Manu. I still don't know what my gift will be. But just when we were about to call a cab, an idea popped in my head. I stopped walking causing Mrs. Fernandez to look at me.

"What is it, honey?" She asked.

"You go, Mrs. Fernandez. I-I have something to buy. I'm really sorry." I apologized.

"It's okay, Kirby. I'll just text Manu to help me with these when I get home."
She said, pertaining to the groceries.

I smiled and went back to the mall. I hurriedly went to a bookstore and looked for some beads. When I was about to choose designs, I felt something weird in my chest.

What if Manu will not like it?

I shrugged off that thought. It's okay if Manu won't like it. At least I made an effort.

I chose another set of designs for my gift. I decided to make two. After, I went to Manu's house.

When I arrived, I hurriedly went to the guest room and started making my bracelets.

"Okay, you can do this." I told myself. Thank goodness Samantha taught me how to make bracelets out of these.

After an hour, I finished my first bracelet. I was about to start making my second one, but I heard a knock coming from the door. I stood up and opened it.

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