Chapter 17

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I blinked again. Seriously, Sandro?

"What are you looking at?" Manu asked me. I snapped back. I shook my head in response. I went to the mini stage to have a clearer look of Sandro. I must say he's good at what he's doing. I bet he is a party goer. He looked at me and smirked. He is so cocky. Why is he even here?!

I looked for Gavin because I know he knows Sandro. I found him devouring his food. Before he could take bite, I called his name.

"Yes, birthday girl?" He smirked.

"Seriously?" I laughed. He chuckled and took a bite of his fried chicken, his fave. Who doesn't like chicken? I sat beside him. "Why is Sandro here?"

"Oh, I was shocked, too. I think Sandro and Manu are related to each other."

"What?!" I excused myself and looked for Manu.

"Hey, KJ. Enjoying your party?" He asked and took a photo of me. I smiled, awkwardly.

"You know Sandro?" I asked.

"Yep, we're cousins." He said.

"Is this a joke?" I asked him. He furrowed his brows. He isn't joking. "How are you guys related?" I asked again. I couldn't believe it! So much coincidence.

"His dad is my father's older brother." He said. Oh, yeah! How did I not notice? Our school's founder is a Fernandez! But Sandro and Manu does not look alike at all. Anyway...

"You know my cousin?" He asked me. Well... I don't want to tell him that Sandro's making my life miserable, do I? I mean, they are cousins.

"Kind of. He's our principal's son." I said. He nodded in return.

Minutes later, Sandro came towards our direction. Please, stop! Ugh, this is awkward.

"Happy birthday, Kirby." He smiled at me.

Wait, Sandro smiled at me?! This is insane. He's such a two-faced jerk. We aren't friends, Sandro. Back off.

"Thanks." I muttered without smiling. I don't need to fake it, you know. I despise him. I won't forgive him for what he did. I bet he won't even apologize.

"Glad you two are friends." Manu said. Sandro and I looked at each other. We aren't friends, Manu.

"Yeah, sure. I have to go." Sandro said without even looking at me. Not that I want him to look at me.

My birthday party ended quickly since the DJ is not around anymore! I hate him. He really knows how to get on my nerves. And Harry, Niall, Liam, and Louis have their own errands to attend to though it's already late. But it was okay with me. They've done enough, anyway.

We drove home. My family was the first one to go inside, leaving me and Manu.

"You wanna go inside?" I asked.

"Nope. I want to show you something." He smiled and held my hand. I stopped him.

"Wait, it's past my bedtime. And my parents..." I explained.

"You have a sleeping schedule?" He smirked.

"Whatever... C'mon!" I held his wrist and dragged him towards his motorcycle. I was startled when he drove fast.

"Slow down, will you?" I scolded him. He just laughed.

We stopped at a very unfamiliar place. I haven't been here.

Inconceivable Us (Manu Rios Fan Fiction) (REVISING)Where stories live. Discover now