Chapter 23

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"Bye honey. We will miss you. Take care." Mom and dad kissed Samantha and I goodbye. Ugh, I wanted to go. I haven't been to different countries before. School sucks.

"Be good while we're gone." Dad winked at me. What did he mean by that?

"Dad," he laughed and hugged me. "Buy me pasalubong, okay?" Dad laughed and nodded. Yes!

"Of course we'll bring Manu." Mom teased. Oh my god, mom! Gavin and Hannah are here! Thank goodness they were talking to Mrs. Jordan.

"Mom, don't say it out loud." I told her. She gave me a questioning look, but nodded afterwards. Thank goodness mom is cooperating right now. That was a close one, though.

After their plane flew, Gavin drove us to their house. One week, Kirby. You can handle this. Besides, they're Hannah and Gavin.

Since it's Saturday, I helped Hannah clean their house. I want to at least give back something. I mean, we are staying in their house for a week.

After we finished the chores, Hannah looked at me and smiled.

"Thanks for the help, Kirby."

"No problem." I smiled while looking at her. She seemed disturbed. What's bugging her? "Are you okay?" I asked.

"It's Manu." One thing I truly like about Hannah is that she's honest. I wish I could say the things in my mind.

"Why?" I asked.

"I know he likes someone. I don't know who it is, but I want to know. She's a threat, you know." She looked at me. She is frustrated. She is frustrated about me. Ugh, I'm in big trouble.

"R-really? Why did you say so?" I couldn't help, but ask. Before she answered, she sat on the sofa. I followed and waited for her answer.

"Well, he is acting differently." She said. "And his smile! It's so different than before. I always ask him what's wrong, but he never shares it with me." She pouted. Thank goodness Manu didn't. Hannah will kill me! Am I being a bad person? I mean, I'm helping Hannah though I know Manu likes me. I'm—

"Kirby!" She snapped a finger at me. I was startled. "You weren't listening."

"I-I'm sorry, Hannah. I'm just tired." I said. She nodded and smiled.

"It's okay. You want to rest?" She asked. I shook my head. I can handle this. There's just a lot of things going on inside my head right now.

"Okay, then. I'm going upstairs." She said. I nodded in response. I placed the broom in its shelf and went to the kitchen to wash my hands. I was startled when I saw Gavin drinking water when I turned my back. He looked at me. I guess he was startled, too with my reaction.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yes." I said and looked away. Seriously, just act normal.

"D-do you want to go to the mall?" He asked.

"O-okay." I stuttered. "I'm just going to take a quick shower."

I went upstairs to check my phone. No messages, as usual.

I took a shower with a disturbed mind. I don't know what to do. I just want to bring back the old environment I have. The me against the world. No Manu, Gavin, or Hannah. This is too alien for me.

After I showered and changed, I saw Gavin talking to my sister.

"Thank goodness you're done already." Samantha said.

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