Chapter 28

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"Princess? W-why are you crying?" I was startled when I heard Kuya's voice. I looked at him. I was about to say something, but he hugged me. I cried hard on his chest. Kuya caressed my back and kissed the top of my head. He didn't say anything. Kuya held my hand and walked me to our rooftop. I wiped my tears and sat on the bench. Jasper looked at me as if he was waiting for my explanation.

"Things just aren't going the way I planned." I said.

"Is it about Manu?" Jasper asked. I looked at him. How did he know? He answered. "Of course mom told me." I nodded. He sighed and looked at me. "Why did you cry?"

"I shouldn't love him, Kuya." I said. He looked at me with a confused expression.


"Let's just say, if I tell him I love him, everyone will be affected, but not in a good way." I pretended to laugh.

"Can you just go straight to the point? I'm not good with reading people's minds, you know." Kuya laughed.

I sighed. "Hannah is in love with Manu and Gavin is in love with me." I smiled, sadly.

"Oh, that's hard. You should confront Hannah and Gavin." He said.

"You know it's not that easy, Kuya. I can't hurt Gavin again." I said.

"Why? I mean, yeah it's bad to hurt someone, but you don't need to hurt yourself. You don't deserve this. It's not your fault Manu likes you. The earlier you tell them the truth, the lesser the pain." He advised. I looked away. I don't know. I would rather hurt myself than the people around me.

"I-I don't know." I said.

"For once, let them say bad stuff about you, Kirby. It's totally normal. I mean, you can't control what's going to happen in the future. You need to confront these people because they're going to hope for the rest of their lives that the person they love will love them back. You know there's a problem, tell it to them. If they really are your friends, you will tell them the truth even if they wished they've never heard it. You don't always have to protect their feelings. Once in a while, they need to learn from their mistakes, Kirby. And you, too." Kuya looked into my eyes.

I nodded mentally. He's right. I shouldn't be afraid to mess up, I'm not perfect. And I should tell Hannah the truth. They deserve the truth more than I do.

"I don't know how to." I looked at my brother.

"I will help you, okay?" He said.

My face lit up. "Really?" Jasper nodded. I hugged him. "Thank you so much. I don't know what I would do if you weren't here."

"Anything for my princess." He whispered.

After our talk, I went to bed. This day is very tiring. I sighed. I'm going to confront Gavin tomorrow. I'm so scared, but I need to do what's right. I hope everything turn out well though I know it won't.

I checked my phone. Manu didn't text me.

Of course, Kirby. You hurt him! Ugh, yeah. I checked Twitter. Oh my god, Manu flew back to LA already. I'm such a mess. He did an effort just to attend my parents' anniversary, but all I did was fight with him. I dialed Gavin's number. I'm shaking big time. He quickly answered.

"Kirby?" Gavin said from the other line.

"C-can we meet t-tomorrow?" I asked while stuttering.

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