Chapter 9

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1 month later...

Everything happened so fast, but all of it were amazing. Manu and I grew close together. I mean not in a special way, okay? Just close friends. Woah! I don't even have to explain myself.

I'm on my way home from the park. I miss Manu. He went back to Madrid for a while because of some reasons. I'm so sad since he's the only friend I have. Why, world? Why? But I must admit, I'm pretty lucky. Wait, just lucky. I'm not pretty. Please ignore my nonsense humor.

I think it's time for me to have some real friends. Wow, Kirby. Never thought you have a brain. Again, ignore my humor. It's not even funny.

I remembered again! I never thought Hannah and I were sharing the same neighborhood! See? I took the antisocial life to the next level. I just can't believe it. When Manu told me about it, I was really shocked.

And remember my meet-up with the boys? After that day, they followed me on Twitter. My fellow Directioners went nuts and can you imagine that my name trended for 24 hours? How cool and embarrassing was that? Embarrassing because I didn't look good that day. I looked haggard and my eyes were red because of crying.

Seriously, it was a once in a lifetime opportunity and I have to look like that? I was a literal walking dead, but I was happy.

I arrived home and saw Samantha outside playing with a dude. I smell something fishy. Yes, fish, because Samantha and this dude is playing with a fish. Wait, are they counting it's bones?

"Samantha, what are you doing?" I asked her. She looked at me, weirdly.

"I'm counting dollars, honey." She said without an expression.

"Really?" She gave me a cold stare while her friend is holding back a laugh. What is her problem? I'm just asking.

"Haven't you heard of the word sarcasm?" She rolled her eyes.

Okay? I shrugged and went inside the house. I checked my phone for some messages and found nothing. I'm not surprised.

I texted my classmate, Jescel, if she has some dictionary. Why? I'm going to read so I can say something to my sister. She's too smart and scary.

I typed my message.

Hey, Jescel. Do you have a dictionary?

I hit send. Minutes later I felt my phone beeped. It's her. I read her message and snorted.

I d0nt HaV3 KirBYy...?, JuZt D0WnlOoad aNn... APp???'

I raised and eyebrow at her reply. What is wrong with her keyboard? I can't even read it well. Is this what they call "jejemon" in the Philippines? Is she even Filipino? I knew about that jejemon thingy because my cousin and I had a conversation via direct message. He's from the Philippines and his style of texting is like that, too. I was laughing the whole time and he was pissed. It was really funny and annoying at the same time.

I didn't reply. I'm just going to be frustrated of understanding her every word.

When I was about to leave my room, my phone beeped again. I saw who it was. It was Jescel again.

HeyyyYy KiRbYyy....;?? ArE U fRee t0dAYy....!!!!!???

I face-palmed. What is wrong with this girl? I never imagined she texted like this.

Jescel's a smart person and she's popular in school. But how did they stand her typing strategy? Haha, strategy.

Well, I'm bored so I'm just going to reply.

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