Chapter 46

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"Guys, we can do this!" Chelsea cheered us up.

I can't believe we have less than a month to prepare. Time flies so fast. Everything is okay. We already decided on what clothes we are going to wear. Chelsea was the one in charged since she's into fashion. Haha.

"Let's take a break? 5 minutes." Chelsea said.

We all agreed and went to the canteen. We don't have classes anymore because everyone is busy preparing for the Foundation Day. It feels nice, actually, because this is the first time our school is giving too much effort for the Foundation Day. We don't usually care about it. We just have programs and then go back to our classrooms.


My thoughts were cut off when I heard Colton's voice. I looked at him and smiled.

Yes, I smiled.

Colton's okay. We are kind of friends now since he's joining the Battle of the Bands, too. I was shocked at first because I didn't know he could sing.

"What do you want? My treat." He said the magic words.

I chuckled and told him what I want him to buy for me.

It's always this way. Colton and I always talk about everything. Even weird stuff. I don't even remember the day I started making friends with him. I mean, I used to hate him. But, just like what they say, first impressions are always wrong.

"So, are you excited for the Battle of the Bands?" He asked.

"Yes." I chuckled. "What are you guys singing?"

"It's a secret." He stuck his tongue at me.

See? We're comfortable with each other now. Very weird.

"Fine." I rolled my eyes and ate my food.

"You have a date for the party the Battle of the Bands?" He asked.

"I don't know." I shrugged.

I want Manu to be my date, to be honest. But I can't tell Colton about that. Well, Manu will watch our competition, but he can't stay late. He needs to go back to New York right away.

"We can go together." He said.

I nearly chocked. Nope, we can't. Manu will kill me. He doesn't even know that I'm talking to Colton.

"Nah." I tried to chuckle. "I'm not into parties." I said.

"Really?" He laughed.


"Nothing." He said and smiled.

"What?" I asked again. Ugh, curiosity is killing me.

"Well," he laughed and looked at me. "I think it's cute when a girl doesn't like to party."

Okay, that shut me up. Colton looked at me with a serious face. I looked at him and my heart was beating fast.

Why is my heart beating fast?

I looked away and played with the straw of my drink.

"Well, it's also cute when a guy doesn't like to party." I said.

Colton chuckled. "So, I am cute?"

"You don't party?"

"No." He smirked.

"Really?" I laughed. "Are you serious?" I asked. Colton laughed. "Oh my god, really?!" I laughed.

Okay, I still can't believe that he doesn't like to party. Haha.

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