Chapter 40

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Pictures I used are not mine. Credits to the owner. :))

"Kirby, I'm tired. I want to let go."

I cried when he said those words. No, please. You can't, not now.

I woke up sobbing. Again, I had another nightmare. Days passed since we celebrated Christmas. Now, everyone is preparing for New Years later. And here I am, crying my life out.

To be honest, I don't know why I'm having these dreams. I am not depressed. As a matter of fact, I am really happy. But why am I hearing a voice of a guy over and over again? His face isn't vivid, it's just his voice that makes my heart weak.

My thoughts were cut off when I heard a knock coming from the door. I quickly wiped my tears and stood up. I opened the door and saw Manu.

"Yeah?" I asked.

Manu looked at me as if he was shocked to see my face. Do I look that haggard?

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Y-yeah, why did you ask?"

"You look..." He stopped and stared at me. Now I feel conscious about my face.

I looked away and cleared my throat. "Sorry, talk to you later." I said, awkwardly. I closed the door before he could speak.

I hurriedly went to the mirror and looked at my reflection. Oh my god, I look wasted. I know this is because of my nightmares. Why do I even have nightmares?! It's always haunting me in my sleep.

After I took a quick shower, I opened the door. I was shocked when I saw Manu sitting at the corner.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

When Manu saw me, he hurriedly stood up. He cleared his throat and said,

"I-I just wanted to ask if what I said made you upset. About..." He stopped.

Okay? Did he meant about my hideous look earlier?

I chuckled. "It's okay, Manu." I said. "Wait, why did you knock on my door earlier?"

"Just wanted to say that breakfast is ready." He said and smiled.

I nodded and we went to the dining area. I sat next to Samantha. Manu handed me a bowl of rice. I said 'thanks' and ate my breakfast.

After we ate, I went outside. I'm still upset and scared of my nightmares. I went to the garden and sat on the bench. I looked at the pool.

Who's voice was that?

This question is bugging me. I believe I won't dream about it if it doesn't have a reason.


My thoughts were cut off when I heard Manu's voice. I stared at him. He looked at me with worried eyes.

"Are you okay?" He asked and sat beside me.

I cleared my throat and looked down. "Yep, everything's fine." I said.

"Really? Because these past few days, you looked disturbed."

"It's nothing, Manu." I said and looked at him.

"You know I'm worried about you, right?"

I smiled and leaned on his shoulder. I heard Manu sighed and hugged me on my side.

"We won't be celebrating New Years here."

Inconceivable Us (Manu Rios Fan Fiction) (REVISING)Where stories live. Discover now