Chapter 19

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"We're here!" Sandro shouted. He is really pissing me off! I was silent throughout the ride while the jerk was trying his very best to annoy me!

"I know, Sandro. You don't have to remind me." I snorted. I hate him.

I was about to give my fair to the driver, but he stopped me. Wait, is he going to pay for my fair, too? Wow. So nice of you, Sandro. Manu was right. You are a—

"You forgot to pay for my fair." He smirked.

—very annoying jerk! I hate him! I really thought he was going to pay. Ugh!

"You okay there? Pay already. The driver is waiting and you'll be late again." He said, casually. I groaned at him. I handed OUR fair to the driver. I went outside the cab and walked hurriedly to school. I heard him call my name. Will he just stay away?!

"What do you want?!" I spatted.

"Do you want to make a scene again?" He smirked. Chill, Kirby. You will never win over this jerk. He is not just a normal jerk. He is a very very annoying jerk!

I ignored him and walked my way to my class. Thank goodness I'm not yet late. Since my teacher is not yet here, I decided to go to the bathroom.

"Hey." He tapped my shoulder.

"You're still here?!" I looked at Sandro. He is following me like a retarded dog. What does he want?! I've had enough of him.

I smirked because a very brilliant idea just popped on my head. Since you're always following me, let me embarrass you.

Sandro was still talking when I ran towards the bathroom. Yes, he followed. I laughed in my head. He didn't seem to notice that he's in a girl's bathroom until...

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" My eyes went big. Oh no, of all people! My next teacher just yelled at Sandro. He was shocked and scanned the room. Oh yes, jerk. You are in a wrong place. He looked at me and I stuck my tongue at him. It was about time you get a taste of your own medicine. Because of embarrassment, he ran outside the room.

"Do you know that guy?" My teacher asked me.

"Nope, ma'am. I was surprised as well when I saw him here." I denied. Yes, Sandro. Don't mess with me. Insert mental evil laugh and a high five!

I walked with my teacher to my next class. I'm still smiling because of what I did. I know that was mean, but he was mean to me, too. My phone beeped in my pocket so I checked it. My eyes widened when I read Sandro's text.

You will pay.

"Are you okay?" My teacher asked. I nodded and went to my chair. I should've not done that! But he was so annoying. I need to hide from him! I blocked his number and deleted all his messages. Yes, that's it, Kirby. Delete him.

After my class, I saw Gavin talking to a girl. When he saw me, he excused himself and ran towards my direction.

"Hey, why weren't you in your other classes?" He asked while looking at his textbook.

"I went somewhere with Manu. I lack sleep and I'm very tired." I said. He nodded without looking at me.

"Are you okay? Quiz?" I asked.

"Oh, yeah. I need to pass Math, right? Thank goodness Chelsea offered to tutor me." He smiled.

"Chelsea? The girl you spoke with earlier?" He nodded.

"Wow. That's so nice of her." I'm still looking at him.

"What?" He asked.

"Nothing. I just think you and Chelsea would make a good couple." He was surprised of what I said and dropped his book. I laughed and helped him with his things.

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