Chapter 61

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"Okay, bye." I ended the call and grabbed my things.

This is it. I'm going to do it. I'm going to perform again.

I went downstairs and saw Mary Anne. She smiled and hugged me.

"Good luck, sweetie. Are you sure you don't want us to come?" She asked.

"No. You and Kuya have a date. That's more important." I smiled.

She giggled. "I'm excited about it, you know. Your brother is such a sweet man." She winked.

I laughed. "I'm happy for the both of you."

Before going out, I kissed Mary Anne's cheek.

"Hey." I said when I saw Manu outside.

He smiled and walked towards me. He greeted me with a kiss on the lips.

I looked at him with eyes wide open. What just happened? He was shocked, too.

"Umm...that was surprising." I said.

Manu's cheeks reddened.

"L-let's go." He said without looking at me.

I mentally laughed. We stepped into the car. I was about to say something, but Manu's phone rang.

"Can you answer it?" He asked.

I nodded and looked at his phone. My heart beat fast.

"Who is it?" He asked while looking at me.

"I-it's Lara." I said. I clicked the answer button and handed the phone to him.

"Hey, Lara. What's up?" He asked.

I looked outside the window. I don't want to listen to their conversation.

After a minute, Manu asked me.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"W-what?" I looked at him. "Umm...I'm fine. W-what did Lara say?" I asked.

"She asked if I was free today. She has a fever."


"She just wants someone to talk to. She's bored in her apartment." He said.

I mentally rolled my eyes. She's still seducing him.

"Maybe she wants you to take care of her." I blurted out.

Oh my god. Why did I say that?

Manu looked at me. "Why would she want that?" He said.

"I don't know." I looked at him. "Wild guess."

"Why would you even think that?" He asked.

I looked away and did not answer. I need to calm down. I need to control myself.

"You're acting weird today." Manu said. I felt his right hand on my hand.

"I-I'm just nervous." I mumbled.

"Don't be. I know you'll do great." He caressed my face.

I smiled and looked away.

I stepped out of the car when we arrived.

"Bryce!" I shouted when I saw Bryce outside the bar.

He smiled when he saw me. Manu walked towards me and held my hand. My heart skipped a bit.

Inconceivable Us (Manu Rios Fan Fiction) (REVISING)Where stories live. Discover now