Chapter 56

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Thank you for the cover, TroyellaSivanni. 💓💓💓 Grabe, galing mo talaga! 👏🏻

Chapter 56! :)

"We'll see you next week, Kirby." Mary Anne waved goodbye.

"See you, guys." I said.

I can't believe summer is almost over. I'm going home to pick up my other things and I'll fly back to London because I still need to fix my papers in my university.

I went to my seat and made myself comfortable. I suddenly felt nervous about college. I haven't really thought about it much. I was too busy enjoying.

When I arrived at the airport, I looked for my parents.

"Mom!" I shouted. I ran towards them.

Mom hugged me. "Thank goodness you're flight was safe." She whispered.

Mom always say that whenever we travel. I don't know why though. Well, safety is very important.

"Are you hungry?" Dad asked.

"I'm starving." I confessed.

Dad laughed.

We stopped at McDonalds. Ugh, I am honestly craving for fast food.

"How's the flight?" Mom asked.

"It was exhausting. There was a kid next to me and he could not stop vomiting. I lost count of it. His mom said that it was his first time."

"That's too bad. Was the kid okay after that?" Mom asked.

"Nope, he passed out."

I remember the pale color of the kid's face. It must've been so hard for him. If it was me, I might not survive.

It was 9:00 in the evening when we arrived home. I went to my room and laid on my bed.

"I am so tired." I mumbled.

I was about to close eyes, but my phone rang. I groaned and reached for it.

I answered without looking at the caller ID.

"What?" I asked, annoyed.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I-I just—"

"Manu, I'm sorry!"

Ugh, that was so rude of me.

I heard Manu's chuckle. "It's okay, Kj. I know you're tired. I just called to check if you're already home."

I smiled. "Yep, I'm already home. Thank you."

"You're welcome. Okay, good night."

"Good night." I said and ended the call.


"There you are! I've been looking all over for you."

Jenny grabbed my arm as we tried to pass through a big crowd.

My one week with my family was as fast as a snap of a finger. I'm going to miss them so much.

"Did you bring all your documents?" Jenny asked.

"Yeah." I said.

Thank goodness Jenny helped me pass my documents. It was hard though because there were so many students.

After 5 hours of waiting patiently, we were able to pass all the needed requirements.

Inconceivable Us (Manu Rios Fan Fiction) (REVISING)Where stories live. Discover now