Chapter 20

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Assume this as Manu's outfit for today! 👆🏻😍

Some photos that I used are not mine. Photos I've taken are credited to me. Credits to the owner of the pictures.

"Kirby! Someone's looking for you downstairs!" Ugh, Samantha.

I woke up because of Samantha's loud voice. She's even jumping on my bed. Why, world? Why?

"Samantha, can you just give me my rest? Besides, it's Saturday." I threw a pillow at her and went back to sleep. She won't let this day pass I guess because she started jumping on my bed again.

"Manu's downstairs. Wake up, sleeping monkey!" Manu?! I hurriedly stood up causing my head to hurt. Samantha laughed at me.

"Hey, don't be too excited." She smirked. I glared at her.

Why is Manu here? He didn't text me last night.

I hurriedly fixed myself. After I showered, I looked at myself in the mirror.

Looking bad, Kirby. My self-esteem whispered. Great.

I looked for some lipstick. Yeah, I have one. Mom is fond of buying me beauty products, but I always throw it in the garbage. Why would I fix myself? I don't want these cosmetics. And why am I looking for a lipstick now?! Kirby! It's just Manu. What is wrong with me?!

I threw the lipstick outside my window and grabbed my phone. I just wore my usual outfit. White shirt, brown ripped jeans, chucks, and a green sweater.

I went downstairs and saw Manu with my mom. What are they talking about?

"There she is." My mom chirped. Manu looked at me and smiled. He is smiling differently. What is he up to today?

"Why are you here?" I asked him.

"Well, it's my last day and I need to go back to Madrid tomorrow. I at least want to hang out with you." He smiled.

"Oh, okay. But you didn't text me. Sorry you had to hear all of our rants upstairs." I apologized and chuckled. He laughed as well.

"It's okay. Let's go?" He said.

"Can we at least have breakfast?" Unexpectedly, my stomach made its sound. Manu laughed hard. That was embarrassing.

"I kind of have everything planned today...?" He said. What did he mean by that? "Let's just forget about it. Besides I want to try Mrs. Campbell's pancakes." I laughed and sat beside him. Mom, Samantha, and Dad joined us. This is amazing. We rarely have breakfast since dad has to go to work early. I'm glad we're complete today. All because of Manu. I bid my parents goodbye after we ate.

I closed the door and looked at him. "Thank you." I smiled at him.


"Because you're here. I'm talking nonsense." I chuckled. "Let's go?" He nodded and handed me his spare helmet. Something caught my eye. No way. I saw my initials on the helmet.


"What is this?" I looked at Manu. His eyes widened for a second and then chuckled.

"You're always the one wearing it, anyway." He smiled. I nodded and he started his motorcycle. I held his shoulder.

"Where are we going?" I asked him.

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