Chapter 45

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"Hey, have you read the announcement posted on the bulletin board?" Chelsea asked while we were walking towards our next class.

"I haven't. What is it?"

"There's going to be a Battle of the Bands!" She squealed.

Wow, that's a first.

"Really?" I asked with excitement in my tone. "When is it?"

"Foundation Day." She wiggled her brows. "I signed you up." She smiled.

"What?! Why me?" I asked. I haven't performed with a lot of people before. I think I would pass out.

And then the realization hit me.

"Wait." I stopped her.

Chelsea stopped walking and looked at me.

"But it's a band competition. I'm a single person." I stuck my tongue at her and went inside our classroom.

"Well," she followed me. "I told Mr. Fernandez that we're still looking for our band mates." She smirked.

"What?!" I shouted earning stares from my classmates. I looked down and sat. "I don't want to join."

"Stop whining, Kirby! I know you want this. Besides, this is going to be fun!" Chelsea encouraged me.

"I don't know." I pouted.

"Stop it." She rolled her eyes. "For once, leave all your fears behind and step out of your shell."

"Fine." It was my turn to roll my eyes.

Chelsea hugged me and squealed. Ugh, I really don't know if I'll make it until the competition. I think I need to start packing my bags now and migrate to another country.

After all my classes ended, Chelsea and I went to our lockers. I was rolling my eyes the whole time because Chelsea wouldn't stop talking about the Battle of the Bands.

"Oh my god, I'm so choosing our outfits! I know it would be lit! We'll be slaying it!" She giggled. Ugh, why is she talking that way? Haha.

"We don't even know how to play any instruments." I said.

She frowned. "Don't be a nega, Kirby."

I was taken aback, how did she know that word?

Chelsea laughed at my expression.

"Gavin taught me." She said.

I smiled and grabbed my books.

I was about to say something, but someone cut me off. When we heard his voice, Chelsea froze and looked at me.

"Hey." Colton smiled at me.

I looked at Chelsea. Is she okay? She looks like she's about to pass out.

"H-hi, C-Colton." Chelsea stuttered. She's even shaking.

Colton looked at her for a second and diverted his eyes on me as if Chelsea didn't talk to him. Seriously, what's his problem?

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

I don't mean to be rude to him. It's just that Chelsea talked to him, but he didn't even greet her back. He's such a snob.

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