Chapter 33

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I really love this picture of Manu! He looks so good, right? 💗✨

Here's Chapter 33! =)

"Thank you, Sandro." I said when he pulled over.

Sandro looked at me and chuckled. "No, thank you. Thank you for listening to my cheesy story." He said and laughed afterwards.

I chuckled. "Nah, it's not cheesy. It's cute, actually. Don't worry, I know Jessy is looking at you from above. Maybe she's just here in your car right now and—"

"Stop it, Kirby." Sandro said seriously.

I shut up and looked at him. "I-I'm sorry."

"That's scary, you know." He said. I looked at him with wide eyes.

"Wait, you're scared of what?" I couldn't help, but laugh.

"When you said she's here and—"

"Oh my god!" I gasped and laughed at him. "You were scared? You're kidding!" I laughed. He snorted and rolled his eyes.

"It's scary, you know." He said.

"What? It's totally cute. I mean, she's here and maybe she's beside you and she's tapping your shoulder right now and—"

"Stop!" Sandro shouted. I laughed harder.

"Seriously, you don't look like you're scared of ghosts. You don't look like you're scared of anything at all." I said and stuck my tongue at him.

"Just because you look tough doesn't mean you are really tough." He said.

"You're right." I said. I fixed my things and opened opened door. "I'm going now." I said. Sandro smiled in return. When I stepped out, I leaned on the window and looked at him. "Awe, she's really pretty." I said.

Sandro arched a brow at me. "What do you mean?" He asked.

"She's sitting next to you." I said. "She's even winking at me. Hi, Jessy!" I teased him. Sandro's expression changed. Omg, he is really scared right now. His face went pale.

"Kirby!" He shouted and covered his face with both his hands. I laughed at him.

"Just kidding." I chirped. I walked away. When I reached our door, I turned my back and shouted at him. "I hope you sleep well tonight. I know she'll be watching." I winked at him and went inside. Geez, it feels so good to tease him. Haha.

"Oh, here you are." Mom said. I went near her and kissed her cheek.

"Good evening, mom." I said. "I'm going upstairs." I informed.

"Okay, dinner will be ready soon." She said. I nodded and went to my room. I opened my door and laid down on my bed. I'm so tired right now.

I was startled when my phone rang. I opened my phone and read Manu's message.

What are you doing?

I smiled and typed my reply.

Nothing. :) FaceTime?

When I received his response, I dialed his number. After the second ring, he answered.

"Hey," he said, softly while smiling at me.

"Hey." I replied. Okay, don't act dumb! I cleared my throat and talked again. "What are you doing?" I asked.

"Just practicing some songs." Manu said and grabbed his guitar. "Do you want me to serenade you?" He asked casually. My eyes went big. I mean, I've never been serenaded before. Wait, what am I going to react?!

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