Chapter 8

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A smiling photo of Manuel when he was shooting for his Night Changes cover. Happy reading! 💙

I smiled when I knew where they were. Ocean Park? Seriously? I can't blame them. That place is so awesome. I had only been there once when we had our educational trip.

"Manu, they're at Ocean Park." I smiled at him. He was confused. Maybe he doesn't know that place.

"Where is that place?" He asked. Yeah, only few vacationers know the place. I don't know why. It's pretty awesome there. I told him the directions and we drove ourselves there. I'm coming, babies! I mentally laughed.

We finally arrived. I am too excited! I don't know where this is coming from. Maybe because I ate lunch. Hehe. I looked at Manu as he took pictures of the place.

"Your first time?" I asked him.

"Yes. This place is amazing. I will post these pictures later. If it wasn't for One Direction, I wouldn't have known this place." I laughed. At least he had some benefit with this rollercoaster ride.

I saw a group of girls. Maybe they're looking for the boys, too. I walked towards them.

"Hey!" I called for their attention. Okay, I'm not really good with this making friends thingy, but if it means meeting  the boys, then I will try my very best.

"Hey." They greeted back.

"Are you guys looking for One Direction?" I asked them.

"Nope, we are looking for Manu Rios. Oh my gosh, he's here! I want to see him." The girl squealed.

Okay? I chuckled. Yes, girls, he is here. I signaled Manu to walk towards us and it sure earned gasps from the girls beside me.

"Oh my gosh! Am I seeing what I think I'm seeing?" The blonde girl said.

"Manu, they're looking for you." I whispered. Manu smiled and greeted the girls. I guess they're the same age as me.

"Hey, what are you guys doing here?" He asked while hugging each one of them. I can't help, but smile. He sure loves his fans.

"We were looking for you." The brunette girl said while crying. Awwwe. Manu caressed her back and hugged her again.

"Can I ask for your names?" He asked them.

"I'm Alexia." The blonde girl with braces said. "I'm Trecxie." The brunette one who burst into tears said. "I'm Jayllie." The simple with cute dimples said.

"Okay, can I ask for your Twitter accounts?" He asked them. Oh my god, this guy's amazing!

The girls gasped again. They told him their accounts and Manu promised to follow them later.

Jayllie asked who I was and I was shocked. Yes, why not?

Manu smiled and introduced me to them. "This is Kirby. She's my friend and we're looking for One Direction. Do you know where they are?" Manu asked them. Yes girls, spill.

"I think I saw them buying snacks. I think they're going to the exhibit." Alexia said. I nodded and thanked her.

We bid our goodbyes and made our way to where the boys were. I opened the door and saw many people. The exhibit started already.

I saw students, but no sign of One Direction. Where are they? My phone beeped and saw Liam's tweet. I mentally slapped my face. They're not here anymore.

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