Chapter 12

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Is this really happening?! No way! She was shocked to see me, but still managed to put a smile. She gave me a tight hug.

"What are you doing here?" She asked me. I scanned the people behind her. They're all looking at me with their you-know-each-other? look.

"My parents aren't home so we're staying here. Is it okay?" I asked her though I still can't believe she's standing in front of me.

"Of course, Kirby. C'mon, let's eat?" She announced.

Everyone seemed to like each other's company while me, the non-social human being, kept quiet. They sometimes ask me questions, but I always give them short answers.

"So, Kirby, you and my sister know each other?" Gavin asked me. I looked at her and smiled awkwardly.

"Yes." I said. I don't want to talk right now. I only want my focus on their very delicious food. Hehe.

"And you and my brother are friends?" She asked me.

"We are, I guess. Jescel invited me to her house and I saw Gavin." I don't know what to say. I mean, we just met today and here I am, eating dinner with his beautiful family.

"Oh, so what do you think of Kuya?" Drake asked me and I was taken aback. How did he know how to speak Filipino?

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, honey. Your mom and I were colleagues in the Philippines." Gavin's mom said. Wow, how come I didn't know any of that? This is so shocking.

"Oh, that's why." I smiled. I looked at Samantha and she's very busy devouring her lasagna. Well, at least there's one thing normal about her.

"I didn't know you and mom were very close. I'm sorry." I said with an apologetic tone.

"It's okay. Your mom told my why." I was startled after she said that.

"She told you what?" I can't help, but ask her.

"Your mom and I are always talking about you." She said.

Well that was awkward. She knows that I'm not socializing. I suddenly felt embarrassed. I resumed to my dinner and tried my best not to make eye contacts as much as possible.

After we finished eating, Gavin offered himself to give me a tour around their house, but I said no. I at least have to help her mom wash the dishes. When I asked her mom if I could help her, she refused and pushed me to walk with her son. I didn't have a choice so here I am, listening to Gavin while we're walking.

"Do you want to?" He asked. What was he saying again? I was not listening.

"W-what?" I asked. He chuckled.

"You weren't listening." He smiled. "As I was saying or asking, do you want to go to our pool?" I suddenly felt happy when he said that. Pool? Count me in. I nodded and we walked towards their pool. Once we arrived, I was mesmerized. It was so beautiful.

"Your house is very beautiful." I said while scanning the place. It never failed to amaze me.

"Thank you. My mom and dad really worked hard for this house that's why we treasure it." Gavin said with pure sincerity.

I sat down and dipped my feet into the water. It's so cold since it's evening already. I shivered. Gavin sat beside me. He laughed and I looked at him with a questioning face.

"Sorry, you looked cute." He said. I looked away. I'm not used to people calling me cute.

This deafening silence is eating me alive. I like silence when I'm alone, but when I'm with someone, it's totally a different story.

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