Chapter 31

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"Gosh, I'm so stupid." I covered my face. I couldn't believe I sang to him last night. Oh my goodness, I'm so embarrassed. I feel like I can't face him.

"Kirby?" I was startled when the door opened. God, I forgot to lock it! I'm so messed up.

"Yes, mom?" I asked. I think mom just arrived because she's still in her corporate attire.

"Nothing, I heard noises so I was worried." Mom said.

"I'm okay, mom. Nothing to worry about." I laughed, awkwardly and looked away. Mom nodded and went to their room. I sighed. Geez, I need to stop feeling giddy.

You know you can't help it. I slapped my face.

"Ow!" I shouted in pain. That hurt.

"Are you really okay?" I looked at mom. I-I thought she was gone?! I smiled and gave her a thumbs up.

I shook my head and went to the bathroom to take a quick shower. I almost forgot that I need to fetch Samantha and visit Gavin. After I went out of the bathroom, something caught my eye. I went to my table and looked at the rose Manu gave me last night. I couldn't help, but smile like a lunatic.

My thoughts were cut off because of my phone. I looked at the caller and smiled again.

Manu calling...

I hurriedly answered it and waited for him to talk.

"Good morning, Kj." He greeted.

"G-good morning." I said while stuttering. Gosh, Kirby. Get a hold of yourself for once!

"Are you free for the whole day?" He asked with excitement in his voice.

"Oh." I looked down. "I-I'm sorry, Manu. I'm going to the hospital." I said, sadly.

"To Gavin?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said, awkwardly.

"Can I come with you?" Manu asked. I was shocked.

"Really?!" I asked.

I heard him chuckled. "Yes, Kj. What's wrong with that?"

"Nothing." I said. "It's cool. Okay, I'll text you later." I said and ended the call. I quickly grabbed my things and went downstairs.

"Good morning, sweetheart." My dad greeted.

"Good morning!" I cheerfully responded. Mom raised an eyebrow at me, but then laughed afterwards. I know she's going to tease me again later.

"Where are you going?" Mom asked me.

"I'm going to fetch Samantha." I said while combing my hair with my hand.

"You should eat breakfast first." Dad informed.

I smiled and grabbed a sandwich. "It's okay, dad." I chuckled and kissed them goodbye.

Before I reached the door, I turned my back and looked at my parents.

"I'm going to the hospital." I said. Dad nodded and smiled in return.


"Oh, you're here!" Hannah chirped. I laughed and nodded. We went inside their house and I saw my sister devouring her breakfast.

"You're very early." Samantha said.

"Yes." I said while smiling.

Inconceivable Us (Manu Rios Fan Fiction) (REVISING)Where stories live. Discover now